Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1503: Dong Shiyu's decision!

"Have you ever married a wife?" Dong Shiyu asked, everyone was taken aback when he said this.

"There used to be a fiancee, but it doesn't matter anymore. I am single now." Yang Yan said.

"What do you think of me?" Dong Shiyu said seriously.

"Do you want to marry me as your wife?" Yang Yan asked.

"Not bad."

"Yes." Yang Yan nodded.

"I have one more condition." Dong Shiyu said.

"What are the conditions?" Yang Yan asked.

"I can marry you, and even Iron Fist Villa can be incorporated into Ling Tianzong, but my status in Ling Tianzong cannot be lower than you!"

Dong Shiyu said seriously.

"This requires the consent of the suzerain." Yang Yan said.

"I agree." At this moment, Xiao Chen already smiled: "From today, you are the core elder of my Ling Tianzong, and you have the same status as Yang Yan. By the way, today is a good day, so you can go to court and get married today. , Enter the bridal chamber at night."

"Thank you Sect Master for perfection!" The two said respectfully at the same time.

In the square, everyone looked at this scene stupidly, completely unable to react. Didn't Iron Fist Villa come to ask for trouble? How come the eldest lady of Iron Fist Villa and the elder of Ling Tianzong are married.

Xiao Chen looked at Yang Yan and Dong Shiyu, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he could see two words in their eyes: ambition.

"Interesting, it seems that Dong Shiyu guessed Yang Yan's identity, but he did not expect that she would have ambitions no less than Yang Yan, and the two of them met each other."

"Miss, how can this be?" The youth of Iron Fist Villa said in disbelief.

"Shut up, Dong Hao, there is no place for you to speak here. Don't forget, you are just the son of my father." Dong Shiyu glanced at the young man and shouted indifferently.

Hearing this, Dong Hao flashed a hint of anger in his eyes, and he secretly scolded lowly women, but he didn't dare to do anything. He just said, "Miss, you have a marriage contract with Yangwu, the son of the Yang clan."

"I will solve this matter naturally, and you don't need to worry about it." Dong Shiyu said indifferently. After hearing the name of Yangwu, his eyes flashed with disgust.

At the same time, after Yang Yan heard the word Yangwu, his eyes also flashed with yin and ruthlessness.

"Yes!" Dong Hao lowered his head unwillingly, but a cruel expression flashed in his eyes.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect to come out and see such a good show." At this moment, a joking chuckle suddenly sounded. I don't know when, a group of people appeared above Ling Tianzong square.

The head is also a proud young man, wearing a fire robe, with a three-legged golden crow carved on the cuff.

On both sides of the youth were two beautiful women, and behind the youth, six guards with fierce auras followed.

After seeing the youth, everyone's expressions changed. The youth of Tie Fist Villa hurriedly said respectfully: "Tie Fist Villa Dong Hao has seen Young Master Yangwu!"

"Yangwu!" Seeing the youth, Dong Shiyu and Yang Yan both gritted their teeth.

"Hehe, isn't this my seventh concubine Dong Shiyu, and my good eldest brother Yang Yan, I didn't expect to see you two here, it is a great blessing."

Yang Wu ignored Dong Hao, just looked at Yang Yan and Dong Shiyu and said with a smile, with a smile on his face.

Yang Yan glanced at Yang Wu, and then his eyes fell on the woman on the left of Yang Yan, her eyes full of coldness.

Dong Shiyu's eyes are also full of cold colors.

Xiao Chen looked at Yang Wu with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: "The last name is Yang? It turned out to be a member of the Yang family. It seems that Yang Yan is also from the Yang family, and he has a lot of grudges with the guy in front of him. This is interesting. ."

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