Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1488: Murong Xiaoxiao!

"I'm sorry, Miss." Seeing the little girl angry, the woman named Xiaoyu hurriedly lowered her head to apologize, but she glanced at Xiao Chen, her eyes full of resentment, how could she be scolded by her if it weren't for him.

Xiao Chen naturally saw the resentment in the woman's eyes, and smiled bitterly in his heart. This was nothing.

"Big brother, my name is Murong Xiaoxiao, what is your name, big brother?" The little girl asked with a big smile as if she suddenly became the little girl next door.

Seeing the little girl, Xiao Chen was a little dazed. For some reason he looked at the little girl with a cordial feeling. Not only that, Xiao Chen was also familiar with her appearance.

Xiao Chen suppressed the thoughts in his heart, squatted down, and gently touched Murong's little hair, and said, "Little, a very nice name. My name is Xiao Chen. Thank you little sister just now."

Seeing Xiao Chen's movements, the two women behind Murong Xiaoxiao showed a cold look again, and at the same time sneered in their hearts. This kid is done, and the young lady will definitely turn her face because they know that their lady hates others to touch her body. Not even with hands.

However, what happened next made them stunned, and their eyes were full of incredible. The young lady in their family not only did not turn her face, but also said.

"Can I call you Brother Xiao Chen?"

"Of course!"

"Brother Xiao Chen, can I play with you for a few days?" Murong Xiaoxiao asked hopefully.

Xiao Chen was stunned for a while. Although he wanted to let the little girl follow him, he was also in trouble now.

As if he had guessed what Xiao Chen thought, Murong Xiaoxiao said crisply: "Brother Xiao Chen, don't worry, Xiao Xiao is very strong."

Seeing Murong's small appearance, Xiao Chen also smiled, and squeezed his face, "What a ghost."

"Miss, this is a bit wrong..." Murong Xiaoxiao had already looked at what that Xiaoyu just wanted to say, with a coldness in his eyes that did not match her age.

Seeing the coldness in Murong Xiaoxiao's eyes, Xiaoyu stepped back subconsciously, lowered his head, swallowed everything he wanted to say, and never dared to interrupt again.

As for the other woman, she glanced at Xiaoyu, and a trace of contempt appeared at the corner of her mouth. She never said a word. She knew her identity, what to do and what not to do, and her lady was a real evildoer.

"Brother Xiao Chen, can you hold me?"

"Of course you can." Xiao Chen smiled, and then hugged Murong Xiaoxiao.

At the same time, Cen Yun's companions had already surrounded him, they all looked at Xiao Chen coldly, and the leader of them said indifferently: "You killed Cen Yun, do you know Cen Yun's identity?"

Xiao Chen glanced at him and said lightly: "If you want revenge, just do it, don't be squeaky!"

"Boy, you are very rampant, but this is not the place where you run wild." The young man said coldly, and then he shot a flame in his hand, soaring into the sky, a flame totem appeared high in the sky.

The flames illuminate half of the sky, I'm afraid it can be seen in several nearby cities.

at the same time.

All the forces in Fire Worship City saw the flame totem, and they were shocked at first, but their expressions changed in the next moment.

"Flame Totem!"

"It's the flame totem of the Fire Worship Sect. The flame totem has emerged. All the forces under the control of the Fire Worship Sect must act!"

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