Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1479: Lieyang will kill!

When Xiao Dingfeng and all of them showed the four great supernatural powers, Xiao Ming and the others completely believed, and Xiao Ming and Xiao Li had a high prestige in the Xiao family, and they raised their arms and almost no one opposed them.

Just when the Xiao family arranged it, several Shenzhou boats moved from far to near in mid-air in the distance of Xiao family.

When they saw a middle-aged man in the middle of Shenzhou, everyone was shocked.

"The chairman of the Lieyang Society, Yang Yan, came here in person!"

"Not only Yang Yan, but the other two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses of the Lieyang Society are also here!"

"It seems Yang Yan is really angry!"

"Not only that, he definitely wants to take Xiao Mingliwei!"

Many experts were shocked when they saw the lineup on Shenzhou.

Shenzhou stopped above the Xiao family mansion, Yang Yan walked to the front of Shenzhou, and said indifferently: "Xiao Ming, get out!"

Yang Yan's expression was extremely indifferent, and his voice was like a twelfth lunar month cold wind, which made people shudder upon hearing it.

As Yang Yan stepped out of the Shenzhou, two more white-and-white Heavenly God Realm powerhouses stepped out, followed by two Divine Realm Nine Layers, and then Divine Realm Eight Layers.

Hundreds of figures appeared in the sky above the Xiao family. Among them, three were from the heavenly realm, more than 20 from the divine realm, and the weakest remaining were demigods.

All the strong looking at such a strong lineup were shocked. This is all the elite of the Lieyang Society, and Yang Yan is really angry. This is the feeling of all the strong.

"Are you Yang Yan, the president of the Lieyang Society?" At this moment, a young and flat voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, all eyes instantly fell on a young figure in front of the gate, and Yang Yan also watched.

"Who are you? Xiao Ming, let him get out, I'm going to ask him, when did he get so courageous, even people from the Lieyang Club dared to kill him, I really thought he belonged to the God of War family. Am I afraid to kill him?"

Yang Yan said coldly, with a strong killing intent, making all the strong feel chills.

"Xiao Ming is mine now, you want to kill him, have you asked me?" Xiao Chen looked at Yang Yan and said flatly.

"Xiao Ming is yours?" Yang Yan looked at Xiao Chen, frowning slightly, Shen Jing San Zhong dared to speak to him like this, could it be that he came from another branch of the God of War family.

Thinking of this, Yang Yan was a little cautious, and asked in a deep voice, "Which branch are you from?"

"Don't worry, I'm not from any branch of the God of War family, and I don't have any power background. If you want to kill Xiao Ming or destroy the Xiao family, you can do it directly."

Xiao Chen said flatly.

When the words fell, everyone frowned and looked at Xiao Chen, how did they feel as if Xiao Chen were looking forward to Yang Yan's hands.

Even Yang Yan has this feeling.

"What are you waiting for? You Lieyang will die so many powerful people, don't you want to take revenge? If you don't take revenge, we will leave." Xiao Chen said again.

"President, what are you afraid of? Even if this kid has a background, don't I have a background in the Lieyang Club." A strong celestial **** beside Yang Yan said coldly.

"Boy, are you sure you want to intervene in this matter?" Yang Yan asked in a deep voice with a deep face.

"Hammer, are you really the president of the Lieyang Society?" Xiao Chen sneered, his eyes full of suspicion.

Looking at Xiao Chen's expression, Yang Yan's eyes flashed cold light instantly, "Since you want to die, the guild leader will do you well, and someone will kill me!"


When Yang Yan's voice fell, the two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses around him could not wait long ago, and then ignored Xiao Chen at all, rushing directly into the compound, their faces full of hideous and cruel colors.

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