Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1473: Go to Xiao's house!

"This kid..." A different color flashed in Man Xiaoman's eyes, and then he announced directly: "Sorry, all of you failed the test. This time, this is the end of the contest."

Man Xiaoman's voice fell, and he summoned with the Man Family Patriarch, then left the high platform, came to Xiao Chen's side, gestured to the two of them, and then returned to the yard again with Xiao Chen and the two of them.

"Xia Xiao Li, thank you for your help." The woman said with her hands in the courtyard.

"You're welcome, if I didn't guess wrong, you should belong to the God of War family, which line are you?" Xiao Chen asked straightforwardly.

"From the God of War family?" Hearing this, Man Xiaoman and Man Qing also looked over, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"The benefactor is also from the God of War family? I belong to the 250th branch. I don't know which branch is the benefactor?" Xiao Li said with some excitement.

"Two hundred and fifty branches, it really is." Xiao Chen said.

At this moment, Man Xiaoman also looked at Xiao Li, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Man Qing said: "Xiao Li, in Qingyun Town, Tianhuozhou Island, only the granddaughter of the acting Patriarch, Xiao Li, has the cultivation base of the gods in the 250 branches. Other younger generations cannot bear to use them again. It seems that you are that Xiao Li, your daughter. Come to my house disguised as a man, I'm a little brave."

"Miss Man, I'm sorry, I also had no choice but to make the next move. I..." Xiao Li apologized quickly, but before finishing speaking, she was interrupted by Man Xiaoman.

"This young lady doesn't want to hear the reason, nor do I want to know the reason, because of Xiao Chen's face, this young lady won't care about you this time, you two should leave." Man Xiaoman said lightly.

"Girl Xiaoman's life-saving grace, Xiao Chen remembers in his heart, if there are any requirements in the future, if I can do it, I will not refuse!" Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"Young Master Xiao Chen is polite." Man Xiaoman said lightly.

"Then I'll wait to leave." Xiao Chen arched his hands again.

"Come here, send two people out of Man's Mansion." Man Xiaoman said.

"Yes!" A guard led Xiao Chen to the outside of Man's Mansion.


On the Sonny, Xiao Chen and Xiao Li had already left the barbarian family for two days. Xiao Chen showed the four great supernatural powers. Xiao Li's attitude towards Xiao Chen immediately became very respectful. No matter where he was in any branch, Zhanzi possessed ten points. Noble location.

During this period, Xiao Chen also received a lot of news about Tianhuozhou from Xiao Li. The strongest force in Tianhuozhou was the Barbarian family, who was the well-deserved overlord of Tianhuozhou.

The 250th branch is located in Qingyun Town, and Qingyun Town is in the south of the border of Tianhuozhou.

Compared with the Man's family, the 250th branch is the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Although Qingyun Town is only a town, it occupies a million li. The forces of Qingyun Town are intricate and complex. The strongest are three first-class forces, in addition to several second-rate forces and countless third-rate forces.

Two hundred and fifty lines can only be regarded as a second-rate force in Qingyun Town, and the strongest is the current generation of Patriarch, that is, Xiao Li's grandfather, Xiao Ming, the nine-tier powerhouse of the gods.

It's just that Xiao Ming was hit hard by the strong before, and the 250th branch was getting weaker and weaker. Recently, he was forced to marry by the same second-rate force, Meng Niu Bao. In desperation, Xiao Li only recruited his female companion in menswear. , I hope to get help from Man's family.

Needless to say, Xiao Chen knew that Xiao Li was forced to marry, but as a member of the God of War family, how could he surrender to the oppression of the enemy.

Seven days later, the Sonny entered Qingyun Town and came to the door of the 250th family.

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