Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1456: Yulian shot!

In the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, Mu Yun and Yulian fought side by side. Looking at the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, Mu Yun said with emotion in his eyes: "This is all cheating!"

She had lived for so long, and it was the first time she saw Tiandao who would take the initiative to help people break through. You know, no matter where she is, Tiandao is the most ruthless.

"Yes, Mr. Mu Yun, who is Mr. Xiao Chen? They are not gods, so they have their own world and a conscious way of heaven. If this is spread to the gods, the whole gods will be shaken. Yes." Yulian's face was also full of incredible.

"I don't know, but if he can grow up, his future achievements will be limitless. If you can build a good relationship with him, it may not be a good thing for your fox clan." Mu Yun said lightly.

"Master, I understand." Yulian said respectfully, and then went directly out of the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory and came to Xiao Chen's side.

"Heavenly God Realm powerhouse?" After seeing Yulian's appearance, the demon's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes flashed unbelievably. Then he remembered something and looked at Yulian and said: "You haven't been discovered by this Fang Tiandao. You are a starry predator. ?"

"You have good eyesight. You foreign races are like locusts. You can meet them wherever you go. It's really annoying." Yulian said coldly.

"You star predators are not the same either." The demon sneered: "There is nothing valuable in this ownerless world. What are you still doing here?"

"Help him." Yulian said lightly.

"Huh? It's interesting to help him. It's surprising that you star predators will help others too." The demon looked at Xiao Chen, surprise flashed in his eyes. You must know that star predators are selfish and cruel. This generation would actually help a kid of Emperor Luo Xiandi, which surprised her very much.

Yulian didn't speak, but stood beside Xiao Chen faintly.

"Let's go to the starry sky, this world is not allowed to use our full combat power." The monster smiled lightly, and at the same time a peculiar aura spread, and all the foreign races in the Soul-killing Mountains had been given stimulants, and their strength greatly increased. .

"Okay." Yulian said lightly, and then spoke to Xiao Chen, "Master Xiao Chen, this alien race is very strong, I can only hold her at best, and I can't help you much."

"Hold her enough, I will remember this kindness."

"Master, be careful yourself." After Yulian finished speaking, she was about to go to the starry sky with the demon but was suddenly stopped by Xiao Chen.


Yulian looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts, while Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Qing with some doubts.

"you sure?"

Xiao Qing nodded, and then appeared directly beside the demon charm, stunned in her eyes, and then disappeared directly into the Soul Extinguishing Mountains with Xiaoqing, and appeared in the starry sky.

"Master Xiao Chen, is this...?" Yulian was a little confused.

"It's okay, you go help other people and leave it to me." Xiao Chen said lightly. Just now, Xiaoqing took the initiative to ask for a fight, and Xiao Chen felt that he was a little mad and disturbed.

"Yes, Master!" Yulian nodded, and then went away. In Yulian's mouth, Xiao Chen learned that although she was in the Celestial God Realm, she could only exert the strength of Immortal Emperor Daluo in the Immortal Realm, otherwise Will be perceived by this Fang Tiandao, and will be expelled at that time. Of course, if her strength can be stronger, she can completely ignore Tiandao and even destroy Fang Tiandao directly.

After Yulian left, Xiao Chen looked at Wang Kun and said lightly: "It seems that a battle between you and me is destined to be unavoidable."

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