Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1454: Group battle, attack!

"Interesting, Immortal Emperor Daluo can possess such a strong law of ice. It seems that you have many secrets in your body. Wu Chutian is no longer your opponent, and it is not interesting to single-handedly. Then start a group battle. Right." Yaomei glanced at Xiao Chen and said with a smile in her eyes.

After Wu Chutian heard the demon saying that he was not Xiao Chen's opponent, a trace of sorrow flashed in his eyes, his face flushed, and he looked at Xiao Chen with some anger.

"Group battle? Then group battle." Xiao Chen looked at the monster and said coldly, and then snapped a finger with his right hand. All the golden mercenary groups scattered in other areas of the fairy realm appeared beside Xiao Chen in an instant, and Xiao Bai Falling on Xiao Chen's shoulders.

Xiao Chen snapped his fingers with his left hand, and the Demon Legion appeared on the right above Xiao Chen's head, while Xiao Hei landed on Xiao Chen's left shoulder.

"Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, go to clear the alien races scattered in the Soul Destruction Mountain Range."

"Yes, master!"

Xiao Hei Xiao Bai led the two legions directly towards the periphery of the Soul Destruction Mountain Range.

The monster looked at the two major legions that appeared, and a different color flashed in her eyes, but she didn't care much. Although the two major legions were large in number, they were not strong, so they did not stop them and let them go.

"Eighteen families attack!" Xiao Chen thought, whether it was the eighteen experts from all realms or the eighteen experts from the Tianwu realm all appeared beside Xiao Chen.

"Go to the outskirts of Miserable Soul Mountain Range and pay all foreign races!"

"Yes, Young Master!" Duanmu Kaitian and the others did not hesitate, and took the eighteen experts to the outskirts of the Soul Destruction Mountain Range.

"The Xiao Family Army is attacking!" Xiao Chen shouted indifferently again, a group of figures appeared beside Xiao Chen, while Xiao Jingjing also appeared directly beside Xiao Chen, Xiao Dingfeng and the others were suppressed to the peak of the Daluo Immortal Emperor to fight.

After Xiao Jiajun appeared, he dispersed without any hesitation.

"Ten war gods, seven monsters, go to war!"

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, the ten great war gods and seven monsters all appeared behind Xiao Chen, and the violent aura on his body instantly alarmed all the strong.

Wang Kun saw a look of shock on the face of the Ten Great God Empress: "It's ten of you. How could it be possible that you have blew yourself up and died? Why are you still alive."

"You are all alive, and of course they are still alive. They are the ten gods of my Sky Star Sect and will never die!" Xiao Chen said in a deep voice. The talents of the ten gods exceeded Xiao Chen's imagination. They were in the Sky Star Immortal Palace. After refining his own fairy weapon, his strength is like making a rocket. In just a few years, he has broken through to Immortal Emperor Daluo. During this period of time, as Xiao Chen broke through Immortal Emperor Daluo, all Break through to Emperor Luo Xiandi.

Not only the Ten Great War Gods, but even the Seven Devils all broke through to Immortal Emperor Daluo.

"Daluo Immortal emperor, you actually have seventeen Daluo Immortal emperors. It is interesting that there are so many Daluo Immortal emperors in this unowned world. It is interesting and interesting." Yaomei smiled.

Hearing this, Wu Chutian was completely dumbfounded, isn't he the only Immortal Emperor? How could there be so many Emperor Luoxian, what is going on?

It's a pity that no one answered his doubts. At this time, except for the strong of the foreign race, everyone looked at this scene in shock.

"Ten war gods, seven monsters, free to kill enemies!"

"Yes, boss!" Eleven Immortal Emperor Luo, at the same time, found a foreign race.

"You should have appeared too." Xiao Chen said again, and then the aura of the fifteen Immortal Emperor Luo appeared again.

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