Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1445: Advancement task!

"How could this happen? Didn't the master say that the seal wants to be broken, it will take at least one month?"

"In addition to Wu Jiantian, someone else has intervened. It is the servant of the sky."

"Heaven Servant, it turned out to be him, so you shouldn't be soft-handed that day, you should just kill him!" Xiao Chen's expression was a bit ugly. Seeing that the Heaven Servant was Tianlinger Yaotong's face, Xiao Chen let go of both. At the same time, he didn't expect that the servant of the sky did not repent, and found Wu Chutian and colluded with the alien race.

"You little guys are also very talented, do you want to worship the emperor as your teacher, and the emperor will take you to a wider world."

Wu Bitian invited again. Kan Yue and others looked at Wu Bitian a little strange, as if Wu Bitian was particularly happy today. Could it be a breakthrough?

Only Xiao Chen knew that Wu Chutian was excited because he finally had the opportunity to go to the God Realm.

"Well, why aren't you talking? Forget it, this emperor is happy today, so I don't care about it with you. This emperor will give you ten days. You should consider it carefully. The emperor is waiting for your reply in Tianwu Immortal Palace. "

Wu Chutian said lightly, and then took Qiantian and the others, tore open the space, and left the Soul Destruction Mountain Range.

"Ten days, there are only ten days." Xiao Chen's expression was a bit heavy.

After Wu Bitian left, Qin Feng and other experts from the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce also left one after another, except for Xiao Chen and the four emperors who were at a loss.

"What are you talking about, Xiaolong was subdued by Rouer?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Xiao Shui's voice. Xiaolong is the blue dragon, and this blue dragon is the head of the four spirit beasts in Qi Dabao's world. Was subdued by Xiao Rou.

Moreover, the four emperor forces turned out to be the forces left behind by Qi Dabao, and the four spirit beasts are the strongest cards of the four emperor forces. Although the four spirit beasts are not Immortal Emperor Da Luo, they are the first batch of births in this unowned world. Living beings, the general Immortal Emperor Luo couldn't help the four spirit beasts.

Wu Chutian couldn't do anything about the four spirit beasts, and because of the existence of the four spirit beasts, Tianwu Immortal Palace kept the four emperors.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and then discussed with Xiaolong, everyone left one after another, only Xiao Chen and Qiwei stayed in the Soul Destruction Mountain Range.

One day later, the dragons, four spirit beasts and Xiaoshui all returned, and they brought a lot of resources. The resources inside were taken by the four spirit beasts from the four sacred mountains, as well as the resources accumulated by several little guys over the years. .

Looking at the resources in the storage ring, Xiao Chen was a little moved. This is all the resources of the Four Emperors!

Xiao Chen told all about the alien race to Tiancan and the others. After everyone discussed, all the top powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor Daluo entered the Celestial Immortal Realm, trying to break through the Immortal Emperor Daluo, and he himself began to retreat in the world of war spirits.

Nine days, it was only nine days before the alien race broke the seal, and it was nine months in the World of War Soul. I hope that within nine months, there will be a strong person in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory to break through the Emperor Daluo. Only then will there be warfare. Devouring the sky also has the power of a foreign race.

In the world of war spirits, Xiao Chen continued to refine the fruits of the Dao through the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player's flame avenue for reaching the third major completion and triggering the quest for the advancement of the Immortal Emperor Luo."

"The quest for Immortal Emperor Emperor Luo, it has not been triggered for a long time." Xiao Chen checked the details of the quest.

"Nine avatars, the power of the nine great avenues has reached the third level of Consummation, and you can advance to the rank of Immortal Emperor Daluo. This task seems a little simple.

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