Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1427: Old master!

At the high tower not far from Lingxiang Residence, Xiao Chen followed Tian Can to the tower, and some confused disciples stayed outside the tower. After seeing the three of them, he immediately saluted them respectfully.

Tian Can nodded, and led Xiao Chen and the others into the tower. After entering the tower, he felt a rush of heat, and then Tian Can led Xiao Chen and the others into a room.

The room is not too big, but at a glance it can be seen that it is a small alchemy room, and there is a portrait on the wall of a little girl conscientiously refining pills.

"Ling'er." Xiao Chen recognized Tian Ling'er as the woman in the portrait at a glance.

"You really know her." Tian Can looked at Xiao Chen and said.

Xiao Chen ignored him, but continued to look at the room, which seemed to be the place where Tian Linger lived.

"Can you tell me your relationship with Tian Ling'er?" Tian Can asked.

Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Tian Can earnestly said, "Tian Ling'er is my daughter."


As soon as these words came out, the Tian Can and the three were stunned. After a long time, the Tian Can reacted.

"The old slave Tiancan (Tiancan No. 1) (Tiancan No. 2) participates in the old master."

The three of Tiancan knelt on Xiao Chen and said respectfully.

"Puff!" Tiancan No.1, what the **** is Tiancan No.2, Shunyue Xiuhua smiled directly.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen looked at the three of them, Mo was expressionless, and the Tai Chi ball in his hand did not waver at all.

"Enjoy the old master, the three of us are the servants of the master Tian Ling'er. We have been ordered to wait for the old master for hundreds of thousands of years." Tian Can's voice was full of hoarseness and vicissitudes, and the other two eyes were full of tears.

"Tian Ling'er is your master? Hundreds of thousands of years?" Xiao Chen was shocked, looking at the three Tian Can and hurriedly said, "You said you were the Ling'er you saw hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

"Yes, old master." Tian Can said: "At the beginning, the three of us were hurt by our enemies. When we were dying, it was the master who rescued the three of us by virtue of her simple and kind character and strong medicine talent. After returning, for the three of us, the master is not only our savior, but also a person worthy of our lifetime."

"One hundred thousand years ago, one hundred thousand years ago, and another hundred thousand years ago, what was going on? Tian Linger and the others left with Tang Yanran when they were young, not because of the system. Why did they appear more than 100,000 years ago.

"Aren't Ling'er in the immortal world now?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, the master left in the hundreds of thousands. The other who left together were the Heavenly Formation Valley, the Heavenly Tool Valley, the Patriarch of the Seven Valleys, and the eight palace masters of the Tianxing Immortal Palace."

"What!" Xiao Chen was shocked again, and then said to Tian Can: "The three of you get up and talk back and tell me everything you know."

"Yes, old master!"

Inside the high tower, as Tian Can told, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became more and more complicated. After a long time, Xiao Chen summed up several important information.

First, Tian Ling'er and the others got the help of a mysterious person, reached the peak of the fairy world at a very fast speed, and created the Seven Valleys.

Second, the Heavenly Star Immortal Palace was co-founded by the eight deputy sect masters and the founder of the Seven Valleys, but later, when they left, they took away all the top masters of the Heavenly Star Immortal Palace, leaving all the peripheral members. Will be destroyed by Tianwu Immortal Palace.

Third, all of them are in the God Realm, and it was a mysterious man who sent them to the God Realm.

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