Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1419: The ceremony begins!

There are no restrictions on the Pill Emperor Grand Ceremony. Any immortal pharmacist can participate, not only from Tiandan Valley, but also some other immortal pharmacists can participate.

Master Gu gave a speech, said some words of thanks, and then announced some rules for refining medicine, and then one by one immortal pharmacists stepped onto the high platform and began to compete.

The immortal pharmacist competition was in full swing, the excitement of promotion, and the face of failure left the field. Gradually, the immortal emperor ceremony has been going on for two days, and now the weakest one in the field is the third-tier immortal pharmacist.

"Brother Xiao Chen, look quickly, the core immortal pharmacist of Tiandan Valley is on the stage. These talents are the main crowd selected by one emperor and four emperors." Suddenly, Ganwei's excited voice rang.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen also looked over, and saw a group of young immortal pharmacists dressed in white robe immortal pharmacists proudly walked to the high platform.

Xiao Chen found two acquaintances from this group of people, one was Li Yuan, who was let go by him, and the other was Jiang Yuqing, who had visited Tiandan Valley after the boundary battlefield was over.

"The third level of Immortal Emperor Daluo, the cultivation base is actually higher than me. It seems that she has also obtained a lot of adventures." Xiao Chen looked at Jiang Yuqing with a smile in his eyes. Xiao Chen was in the World of War Soul in retreat for a month. , After adding a large amount of resources from the eighteen schools, it broke through to the first level of the Daluo Immortal Emperor, and Jiang Yuqing was already the third level of the Daluo Immortal Emperor, and the other members of the Qiwei would not be weak.

"Brother Xiao Chen, have you seen the black-faced guy? That guy is called Tianyuan, far away from the people around him, they are the two strongest immortal pharmacists of the young generation in Tiandan Valley." Gan Wei introduced.

Xiao Chen followed his gaze and looked over, and soon found a face of silent distance, and beside him there was a very dark looking young man whose cultivation was also in the sixth level of Immortal Emperor Daluo. Far from being weak.

"Is the sky far away?"

"Hey, Brother Xiao Chen, in fact, Tianyuan was not called Tianyuan at first, but it was defeated by Liyuan in alchemy, martial arts, or fire control. This guy was not convinced and changed his name to Tianyuan. In order to be able to exceed the distance." Ganwei smiled.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, looking at Tian Yuan a little amused, but he didn't expect this kind of relationship between the two.

"But this time I am most optimistic about her, Jiang Yuqing, the new immortal pharmacist of Tiandan Valley." Gan Wei's eyes fell on Jiang Yuqing.

"Don't even think she joined the Heavenly Pill Valley only through the realm battlefield, but I have heard that the valley owner is very optimistic about her refining talent, and after arriving in the Tiandan Valley, it is easier to control the Tiandan Valley. Two kinds of flames, maybe she will become the pill emperor of this pill emperor grand ceremony."

"Perhaps." Xiao Chen said with a smile. In fact, he was full of information for Jiang Yuqing. Speaking of which Xiao Chen missed Jiang Yuqing's refining medicine a little, but that could directly increase the value of immortal power.

"If she can become the emperor of Dan, our palace owner will definitely invite her to the Tianwu Immortal Palace as a guest clerk. Maybe I can get the moon first by approaching the water tower and win her favor."

Gan Wei's eyes lighted up, but the next moment, his face darkened again: "Hey, if she really becomes the Pill Emperor, even the palace owner will treat me with courtesy, why would she look at me. "

Xiao Chen glanced at Gan Wei somewhat speechlessly. He didn't expect that he would actually catch Jiang Yuqing's attention, but his expression of excitement and sadness made Xiao Chen a little funny.

When Qianwei was talking to himself, the high platform was also tit-for-tat. The two sides were Tianyuan and Liyuan.

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