Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1415: Mu Yun ancestor!

Ganwei looked at the man in black jokingly. After waiting for the man in black to know his identity, he was frightened and pissed, and then knelt down and begged for mercy. He liked this feeling very much.

"Give you five breaths time to get out of my sight."

A hoarse and indifferent voice came from the black-clothed population, and for an instant, there was silence all around, and everyone looked at the black-clothed man dumbly.

The arrogant expression on Ganwei's face also stiffened. The next moment, his face instantly became gloomy, and his eyes were coldly looking at the man in black: "What did you just say? Something is saying it again."

"There are still three breaths." The man in black said again.

"You are looking for death." Gan Wei was angry, and the attendant behind him rushed towards the man in black without his instructions.

"Two breaths." The man in black was unmoved, just continued.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ganwei, and then Ganwei did not respond, and flew out, followed by several of his followers, and then a figure fell in front of the man in black.

"I want all of your things, and I have a way to get you back to the realm of God. If you are interested, come with me."

Xiao Chen's faint voice rang in the ears of the man in black, and then Xiao Chen walked forward with Shunyue Shaohua.

The man in black shook his body, looked at Xiao Chen's back, and took a short pause, then took his things and followed.

In the distance, several young figures watched everything that happened here, and one of them was full of gloomy youth and said: "It's him, he even dared to come to Heavenly Pill Valley. It's so bold. He didn't treat me at all. Tiandan Valley is in sight."

"I don't know what Senior Brother Liyuan thought, I even let Xiao Chen and Duanmu's family go." Another young man said in a bit of annoyance. This young man was the Tiandangu disciple Lihai who had appeared in Duanmu's home.

And the previous gloomy young man was indeed Duanmu Qingyun, and the constant Duanmu Qingyun turned out to be not a waste person, and he exuded a powerful aura.

"Senior Brother Lihai, if I am not mistaken, Xiao Chen just beat Ganwei of Qiangong, if you tell Ganwei about this..." Duanmu Qingyun said lightly.

Hearing this, Li Yuan's eyes lit up, and then a sinister smile appeared on his face.


In the Duanmu family resident, in the room, Xiao Chen looked at the man in black and said lightly: "Please use tea."

"No need." The man in black glanced at the tea on the table and said hoarsely: "How do you know the God Realm?"

"I told him." Mu Yun appeared in the room with an old appearance and said lightly.

"Are you from the God Realm?" The man in black looked at Mu Yun.

"Not the God Realm, but the Semi-Holy Realm." Mu Yun said lightly.

"What!" Hearing this, the black-clothed man's body trembled suddenly, and his voice trembled: "You are from the semi-sacred world?"

"You know the semi-sacred world. It seems that your identity is not simple." Mu Yun said lightly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The man in black did not speak.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should belong to the nine-tailed fox family, do you know Yu Linglong?"

"Yu Linglong? This is one of the nine ancestors in my clan and my grandmother. You know my grandmother." A clear female voice suddenly came from under the black clothes, her voice full of surprise.

"Actually, I saved her before. By the way, my name is Mu Yun."

"Mu Yun?" The man in black was taken aback, and then said with a bit of excitement: "You are grandma's elder sister, Mu Yun?"

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