Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1413: Dan Huang Grand Ceremony!

What he has to do now is to improve his strength, go to Tiandan Valley, and explore the relationship between Tiandan Valley and Tianlinger.

Xiao Chen gathered the eighteen ancestors and obtained the fruits and fairy crystals accumulated by the eighteen ancestors, and then brought the eighteen ancestors, the eighteen nine beautys, and the core disciples to Tian Xing Xian. area.

And he himself began to retreat in the world of war spirits.

A month later, Xiao Chen left the customs, sat on Xiao Qing with Shu Yue Xiuhua, and walked towards Tiandan Valley.

Tiandan Valley.

The alchemy holy land of the immortal world, today is the ten-year pill emperor grand ceremony held in Tiandan Valley. The pill emperor grand ceremony is held by the Tiandan Valley. All immortal medicine masters in the immortal world can participate in the alchemy test. The finalists are the strongest alchemy, among which the strongest Known as Emperor Dan.

The Heavenly Pill Valley Pill Emperor Grand Ceremony is full of voices, and the strong are like clouds. The Pill Emperor Grand Ceremony is a famous prosperous age in the fairy world. One emperor, four emperors, seven valleys and eighteen families will send representatives to participate. As for some small forces, they are not qualified to participate.

After a few days of rushing, the three of Xiao Chen finally arrived at Tiandan Valley. Unlike the hustle and bustle of Tiandan City, this place is like a paradise on earth, very beautiful. After they came here, Yue Xiuhua fell in love with it. Here.

Xiao Chen walked into Tiandan Valley behind Duanmu Kaitian, and then came to the stronghold established by Duanmu's family on the outskirts of Tiandan Valley. After making arrangements, Xiao Chen took the closed moon shame flower to the trading venue arranged by Tiandan Valley. .

The trade fair is the most lively place, because it is a place where elixirs, immortal implements, and even Qibao, fairy beast cubs can trade freely.

Some strong people and those who want to Taobao like it the most.

When the three of Xiao Chen arrived at the trade fair, they were also taken aback by the uproarious voices. After all, Shunyue Xiuhua is still a little girl. After seeing this scene, she was full of curiosity and brought Xiao Chen to the stream. Take a look at the trade fair.

In the blink of an eye, a long time has passed, and Shunyue watched a booth crowded with many people, and did not hesitate to pull Xiuhua and Xiao Chen to squeeze in.

In front of the stall, a man in black was sitting, his whole body hidden in black, he couldn't distinguish between men and women, and he couldn't even feel his breath, just like ordinary people.

At the booth, there were scattered pieces of magic weapons, including shields, weapons, and other styles.

"This person is really a lion's mouth, and a piece of **** is worth hundreds of millions of immortal crystals. He is really crazy about money."

"Is this a fairy? I can't feel it at all. I think it's a waste product, and it turns out to be an ancient treasure."

After Xiao Chen squeezed into the crowd, he heard the comments of the people around him, and then looked at the man in black. The next moment, Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, he could not see the man in black in front of him, even the system was the same.

"Could this person surpass Immortal Emperor Daluo, but how is this possible?"

Xiao Chen suppressed the shock in his heart, and then his gaze fell on the stall, the items that sold 100 million immortal crystals. The next moment, Xiao Chen's gaze suddenly condensed, and even his breathing became a little quick.

"This is the Dao Lingbao?" Xiao Chen looked at the magic weapons in disbelief, but these were not complete Dao Lingbao, only some weak Dao power, but even so, it shocked Xiao Chen. You must know the Dao. Lingbao can't be bred easily.

"This is the remains of the Great Dao Lingbao, and this person is a bit extraordinary, he should not be from the immortal world." There was a leaf in the center of Xiao Chen's hand with a pair of eyes attached to it, and then Mu Yun's voice sounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

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