Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1411: Wu Chutian's ambition!

After Mu Yun finished speaking, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "At the beginning, the master was the pinnacle of the **** of good fortune. As long as he refines the original seed, he can be holy and immortal, but unfortunately, because of that stinky woman, now There is only the last ray of mind."

Mu Yun's tone was full of resentment, and Qi Dabao fell into silence. It's no wonder that he had the opportunity to become an immortal existence, but now he has become like this.

Xiao Chen also fell into silence, and he didn't expect that Wood Origin Seed would have such a big background. No wonder it would cost such a huge pitfall value.

"The God of Good Fortune actually created a world in his body. The Heavenly Star Immortal Realm in his body is not considered a world." Xiao Chen fell into silence, and the world he is in now, it is not difficult to infer from their words, Immortal Realm It may well be the world created by Qi Dabao.

"I know you have guessed some things." Mu Yun said: "Indeed, the immortal world is the world created by the master. After the death of the master, this world becomes a masterless world, and the masterless world is the best of the alien race. Love, because they can swallow the unowned world unscrupulously."

"Heaven is ruthless, but there is a ray of life. After the **** of good fortune dies, the world in the body will not be broken, but will form a region like the immortal world. It is also because of my natural blood that I have born a strand of world in my body. Wandering wisely."

Qi Dabao continued.

"Because this world is a masterless world, it can't form a rule, and it can't break through Immortal Emperor Luo."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's doubts in his heart were also resolved, but he was a little emotional that the world he was in was actually created by someone else, and the fat man in front of him turned out to be the creator of this world. .

It seems that Mu Yun stayed here to protect the world created by Qi Dabao.

"As far as I know, Wu Chutian is Immortal Emperor Daluo, since the immortal world cannot break through Immortal Emperor Daluo, how did he break through?" Xiao Chen asked in confusion.

"I said before that Borderless World is the favorite place of alien races, and Wu Chutian broke through Immortal Emperor Daluo because of alien races. I know the methods of alien races very well, so after discovering the invasion of alien races, I would take all The alien races are all sealed in one space, consuming the power in their bodies."

"By the way, there was once a woman named Bai Caiyi who was deceived by a foreign race. At that time, if it wasn't for this woman who finally woke up, then the fairy world would no longer exist."

Mu Yun said, there was still helplessness in her voice. She helped Qi Dabao escape and then sealed the alien race. Now she has no strength and can't do anything at all.

"It seems that the foreign race that the Master said is Wang Kun." Xiao Chen said in his heart.

"Now Wu Chutian wants to break the seal and rescue all the alien races that are sealed. If he succeeds, the fairy world will no longer exist." Qi Dabao said.

Wu Bitian wants to break the seal and release the alien race? Why is this?

"Wu Jiantian is very ambitious. After encountering a foreign race, he understood his situation. In order to pursue a higher realm, in order to go to the gods, he reached an agreement with the foreign race. He helped the foreign race break the seal. The foreign race led him to the God Realm."

Mu Yun said: "But this can no longer be called ambition. In order to become stronger, he did not hesitate to collude with foreign races and trap the immortal world in water and fire."

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