Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1403: Flame duel!

"With these two kinds of flames, the average Daluo Immortal Emperor Eighth Layer powerhouse is no longer a distant opponent. If he uses his hole cards, Daluo Immortal Emperor Eighth Layer can easily be killed." Dongfang Meijing solemnly said.

"But Xiao Chen seems to be very good at Flame Avenue. The kind of fireball at that time is still frightening when I think of it." Crazy Saber said, and there was a palpitation flashing in his eyes. Those who will be wiped out.

"It has started, let us take a good look at whether Xiao Chen can perform miracles again."


"Flame? Interesting." Xiao Chen looked at the flames on Liyuan's body, Netherfire began to move around, and then Xiao Chen transformed into a blazing sacrament with a raging fire burning on his body, and a black flame appeared in the palm of his hand. Very weird.

"Flame Avenue, it's a bit interesting, but playing with fire in front of me, don't you think it's a bit funny? In terms of playing with fire, my Tiandangu is the strongest." Li Yuan said indifferently, his eyes full of disdain.

"Really? In the eyes of outsiders, your Heavenly Pill Valley's fire control technique is really strong, but in my opinion, it's not yours." Xiao Chen laughed. There are blazing corpses and nether fire, no matter what kind of flame can be absorbed .

"It's useless to be hard-mouthed. Then I'll show you what is the real flame." Li Yuan smiled faintly, and then raised his left hand, the earth center fairy flame appeared on his hand, flicking and touching his finger. The cyan flame burst through the air and landed directly on Xiao Chen.

The cyan flame fell on Xiao Chen, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Xiao Chen glanced at it, then looked at Li Yuan, and said indifferently: "This is the fairy flame in the center of the earth. What can you do with this flame."

Li Yuan didn't speak, just frowned, and then connected dots in his hand, and cyan flames shot towards Xiao Chen, and in the middle, it directly turned into blossoms of green lotus.

Qinglian looked very plain, but Xiao Chen felt terrifying power from it, and soon these Qinglian came to Xiao Chen's side.

"Blast!" Li Yuan shouted indifferently. All the green lotuses in Xiao Chen's body exploded at the same time, and the terrifying flame instantly engulfed all the surrounding areas. In an instant, with Xiao Chen as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Master is okay?" Looking at the horrible explosion in midair, closed moon and Xiuhua sat on Xiao Qing with nervousness, while Xiao Qing was lying lazily, not worrying about Xiao Chen's safety at all.

As they watched this scene nervously, a red flame appeared in the cyan flame, and gradually all the cyan flames poured into the red flame, and a figure gradually appeared.

"Come and not be indecent, you also pick me up." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then his hands were speared, and flames rose from his fingertips.

"Pointing spear!" bullets formed by flames ejected from Xiao Chen's fingers, shooting far away.

Away from the distance, his face remained unchanged, and with a wave of his big hand, a shield formed of cyan flame appeared in front of him. All the bullets shot on the shield, making waves of ripples.

But there were one or two bullets that shot directly through the blue shield, shot at Li Yuan's body, and then disappeared.

Li Yuan frowned and glanced at the sparks on his body. Although Xiao Chen's attack did not cause much damage to him, he was hit by Xiao Chen's attack, making Li Yuan feel humiliated.

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