Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1397: Shame flower challenge!

"Huh!" You Dingyang snorted coldly, his figure disappeared.

"Hey, your name is Qiu Haoguang, right? You want to do something to my master, right, come on, I'll be your opponent." At this moment, Xiuhua looked at the young man in Tianzhen Valley.

Qiu Haoguang, who was jokingly watching the jokes, was taken aback, then turned to look at the shameless flower next to Xiao Chen, his face turned cold: "Do you want to challenge me too?"

"My name is Xiuhua, Master Xiao Chen, now I am challenging you, if you are a man, follow me!" Xiuhua's voice fell, and people also came into the air. After Xiuhua accepted the inheritance of the illusion , Is already the cultivation base of the earth immortal.

Dixian challenged Daluo Immortal Emperor, just like Tianxian challenged Daluo Immortal Emperor, making Li Yuan and others laugh wildly.

"For the sake of your cuteness, I will accept your challenge, but if you lose, you will be a close maid by my side. This young master is very gentle."

Qiu Haoguang smiled, and he was already across from Xiuhua.

"What if you lose?" Xiuhua asked lightly.

"I will lose? Are you kidding me?" Qiu Haoguang said with a smile. To him, Earth Immortal is just an ant that can be pinched to death, and even a breath can crush the opponent to death.

"There are no absolutes in the world, right?"

"Well, you can do whatever you want, although this is impossible." Qiu Haoguang said indifferently.

"Then be it, if you lose, then you can be my registered disciple." Xiuhua smiled.

"Interesting, you little girl is really interesting." Qiu Haoguang smiled.

"Just say dare you?"

"Why not dare."


On the other side, the Auspicious Three Treasures had already defeated all their opponents, and they were watching the battle between the two of them with interest.

On the side of the closed moon, You Dingyang just glanced at the closed moon, then stretched out a finger and pointed at the closed moon faintly. The force of a finger had broken through the air attack towards the closed moon. With the power of this finger force, even Da Luo Xuanxian would not It might be easy to take it, not to mention Tianxian, obviously You Dingyang didn't want to waste time.

"The power of the thief, the hand of the gods and demons."

Bian Yue said in her heart, and just as the force of the finger was about to fall on her body, a shield suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking the force of the finger.

With a sharp ding, everyone's eyes looked over.

"Block it, how is this possible?"

"The shield in front of the girl seems a little uncomfortable, but with her godly cultivation base, how could she urge the shield to block it."

"Yes, what the **** is going on?"

You Dingyang looked at the shield in front of Baiyue's face changed, and said in a deep voice, "Dingyang Shield, why is it on you?"

"Oh, did you say it, I stole it." Shunyue smiled.

"Steal?" Everyone was taken aback, You Dingyang said, "How could you stole my Dingyang shield from me?"

"Nothing is impossible, don't believe me!" Shunyue smiled, and in front of her, more than a dozen fairy artifacts floated out.

"No, those are the immortal artifacts that You Dingyang personally refined. They are his most proud of works. When did they all reach the girl's hands." Qiu Haoguang looked at the battle between Yue and You Dingyang, somewhat difficult. Said confidently.

"You want to know?" Xiuhua smiled.

"You know?" Qiu Haoguang was taken aback.

"Of course, that's my sister. As long as she shows up in front of her sister, she can steal everything if she wants to. If her sister wants to steal your things, you can make sure that you have nothing left." Shaohua was a little proud Said.

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