Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1395: The auspicious three treasures join the battle!

Crazy Dao sneered: "As far as I know, in this realm battle, Tiandan Valley has accepted an immortal pharmacist named Jiang Yuqing, who was directly adopted by the Tiandan Valley Master as a disciple, presumably her talent is not weak. To you?"

The voice of Crazy Blade fell, and Li Yuan's face sank again, but Tantai Yu'er's expression changed slightly, and a look of jealousy flashed in his eyes: "Crazy Blade, what are you treachery guys talking about? Just rely on Jiang Yuqing. How could that death be compared with my distant brother, my distant brother must be the future valley owner of Tiandan Valley."

"Taiwanese, I have never seen someone as idiot like you. As far as I know, Li Yuan had pursued Jiang Yuqing at the beginning, and was rejected by Jiang Yuqing face to face, and Li Yuan just used you as a spare. If it weren't for your Suzaku Sacred Mountain, he would definitely kick you."

Crazy Dao sneered. Hearing what Crazy Dao said, he didn't say a word from far away, but Tantai language had blown up hair like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Crazy Blade, don't talk nonsense here. Brother Liyuan loves me. If you don't believe me, I will let Brother Liyuan tell you in person."

When the voice fell, Tantai Yuer had already looked towards Liyuan, and asked with expectation: "Brother Liyuan, you love me, right?"

"Silly girl, of course I love you." A gentle smile appeared on Li Yuan's face.

Hearing this, Tantai Yu'er showed a happy smile on his face, and glanced at Crazy Sword proudly.

"It's not saved." Mad Dao said speechlessly.

"Are you trying to kill me? Or let me appreciate your flirting and swearing?" Xiao Chen didn't care about their affairs at all, he only knew that Li Yuan came to trouble him.

"Even without the three of them, you are still dead today." Li Yuan said coldly. He originally wanted to kill Xiao Chen, destroy Duanmu's family, and make the world famous.

But now because of Xiao Chen, he was blocked one after another, which made him feel so humiliated that he was even more intent on killing Xiao Chen.

"You guys, let's do it together. Starting today, you will be my distant friends and Tiandangu friends."

"Cut, Tiandan Valley? Can you represent Tiandan Valley?" Xiao Chen sneered in his heart, and he already had a new plan.

"Kill!" Three young disciples rushed out from the Sacred Mountain of Vermillion Bird, all of whom were the Third Layer of Immortal Emperor Daluo, and directly killed Xiao Chen.

"Leave them to me." Xiao Chen was about to do it, when suddenly the three auspicious three treasures had already taken the lead.

"Where is the fat man, get out of here!" A big Luo Immortal emperor yelled, and a powerful flame attack had fallen on Sambo.

"Did you three **** eat? Your attack is not enough to tickle Grandpa." The powerful flame attack fell on the Sambo, as if nothing happened, those attacks disappeared instantly.

"Fatty, you're going to die!" the three of them shouted angrily, and then got entangled with Sambo directly.

At the same time, another disciple of Suzaku Sacred Mountain walked down from the fairy ship and was entangled by Dabao and Erbao.

Xiao Chen glanced at the Three Auspicious Treasures. The fighting method of the Three Auspicious Treasures was extremely weird. The fat body did not know what it was made of. Those attacks fell on them, as if they fell on a sponge, and were directly absorbed.

Although Xiao Chen didn't know why the three auspicious treasures would help him, he knew that he owed the three auspicious treasures a favor.

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