Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1389: Appear far away!

"But Liyang Immortal Emperor, how could he invite these two mercenary groups to take action, not to mention that both of them shot at the same time, even if it was only one of them, he could not do it."

Lei Aotian said with some doubts, as did the others.

"No matter how he does it, we must be prepared to deal with it." Xiao Chen said, and everyone else nodded seriously.

"I have said everything I can say, now you can let me go." Old Red Demon said.

Xiao Chen received the long sword, and when Old Red Demon breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Qing had already swallowed it.


The Lei family and Xiao Chen gathered the eighteen ancestors and brought them into the Celestial Star Immortal Territory, and then Xiao Chen retreats in the World of War Soul.

Tiandan Valley's incident against Duanmu's family did not spread, and Lei's family was still in full swing.

The time has finally come for the eighteen younger generations to compete.

On this day, in the central square of Lei Ling City, the eighteen houses were besieged in a circle, and the center was an arena. The eighteen young generations of Tianjiao were competing in full swing.

As the competition was entering the craze, suddenly a group of immortal ships appeared above Leihua City, and a fierce aura spread from the immortal ships.

A young man walked out of the Heavenly Pill Pavilion immortal ship in the center, and scornfully swept towards the eighteen powerhouses below, with a touch of arrogance in his eyes.

"It's not Liyang Immortal Emperor, who is this kid?" Xiao Chen frowned, and at this moment, Duanmu Kaitian and other ancestors, as well as Lei Qingxuan and other women all had their complexions changed, and looked at them in disbelief. The youth.

"Far away! It turned out to be him. It's no wonder that you can invite the two major mercenary groups, Tulong and Killing Tiger." Duanmu Kaitian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure trembled slightly as he looked at the youth's face, in disbelief.

"Li Yuan, who is he?" Xiao Chen asked in a deep voice, looking at everyone's expressions.

"Li Yuan is the strongest Tianjiao in Tiandan Valley, and also a candidate for the future Tiandan Valley Master. Less than thirty years old, Liyuan is already the sixth-tier powerhouse of the Daluo Immortal Emperor, and he is also the second-tier immortal pharmacist. The ability to refine medicine is stronger than many Tiandangu elders."

Lei Qingxuan solemnly said that with a single candidate for the Heavenly Pill Valley Lord, even if the Four Emperors see it, they will treat each other with courtesy.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression also sank, he did not expect that the young man in front of him would have such an identity.

"Xiao Chen, let Duanmu Kaitian come out." At this moment, Li Yuan's faint voice rang.

Xiao Chen stepped out of his seat and was already in midair. At the same time, Duanmu Kaitian also came behind Xiao Chen.

"I am Xiao Chen, who are you?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"My son, Li Yuan." Li Yuan stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly, with an unconcealable arrogance in his eyes.

"Far away, I have never heard that you brought so many people here to watch the eighteen young disciples compete?" Xiao Chen asked deliberately.

"Xiao Chen, why pretend to be stupid, you should be very clear about the purpose of my coming, and that is to kill you and destroy Duanmu's house." Li Yuan's expression sank slightly, then looked at Xiao Chen and said in an affirmative tone.

"Kill me, kill Duanmu family?" Xiao Chen sneered, "Do you think it's possible with you?"

"You are a six-layer Daluo Immortal King, plus the six-layer Daluo Immortal Emperor Duanmu Kaitian. With you two, you think you can survive in our hands." Li Huo smiled faintly, opened his hands, and then walked on each Xian ship. A group of people walked out from above, and a powerful and fierce aura burst into this space.

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