Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1385: Giant bump!

Feeling the coercion from Lei Qingxuan, Lei Huang and the others were very excited. This was the first time they had seen a strong man on the Dao Zi List.

"Come to fight." Xiao Chen said loudly, and then directly used the Wushuang Giant Soldier, who also turned into a Baizhang Thunder Giant.

"He too?" Lei Yuanhua widened his eyes, a little unbelievable.

The same is true for other strong men. Looking at the two giants full of thunder, everyone's hearts are extremely shocked.

"War!" Lei Qingxuan didn't talk nonsense, and the Baizhang Giant stabbed Xiao Chen directly with a huge spear.

Ling Tian in Xiao Chen's hand was also directly huge, and he shot it in the same way.

Two huge spears collided in mid-air. At this moment, the sky and the earth lost its color, only the crackling thunder continued. The next moment, a powerful force came from the collision of the spears, except for Lei Yuanhua. Blocked, the others were all lifted out instantly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two spears kept colliding, loud noises continued between the sky and the earth, followed by the power of raging thunder, swept out.

The two giants collided with great visual impact, and the strong man who was lifted far away watched this scene in shock.

Then loud noises continued to spread, and more and more powerful men were attracted. Looking at the two hundred-foot giants, they were shocked.

Not far away, Lei Yuanhua saw a group of people, and then went directly to the neighborhood, and said to two of them: "I have seen the ancestors, I have seen the ancestors of Duanmu!"

The old man who came to the head was the ancestor of the Lei family. Standing next to him was the ancestor of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Kaitian, and Duanmuyun followed behind him.

"This is Qing Xuan, who is she fighting?"

Lei family ancestor asked.

"Ancestor Qizi is a young man named Xiao Chen." Lei Yuanhua replied.

"Xiao Chen?" The ancestor of the Lei family and Duanmu Kaitian looked at each other, surprise flashed in their eyes, and Duan Muyun's eyes lit up.

"Let's take a look first before talking." Lei family ancestor said, the voice fell, and his eyes fell on the two giants, without blinking.

Boom boom boom!

After a long time, the sound between heaven and earth finally stopped, and both of them returned to their original state. However, because of their battle, within a thousand miles of nearby, there was a mess, and there were traces of thunder blast everywhere.

Lei Qingxuan stared at Xiao Chen, and after a long time, spit out two words: "Abnormal."

Xiao Chen had a black line on his face, "You are not bad, you are already Immortal Emperor Daluo."

"The strong people on the purple list of the avenue, because of the gift of the avenue, after all the strong are out of the battlefield, they are almost the immortal emperor of Da Luo, and they are incomparable with the big brother." Lei Qingxuan said, she knew Xiao Chen's strongest is the flame avenue and physical strength, but now she can draw with her by the thunder avenue alone, which makes her a little bit shocked.

"It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits in the battlefield of the realm." Xiao Chen was a little surprised. If what Lei Qingxuan said is true, it must be the beautiful scenery of the good time. Hua Wushang and others are already strong in the Daluo Immortal Emperor. The talent, the current combat power is probably even more terrifying.

"Master, are you okay." At this moment, Xiaoqing came to Xiao Chen's side with the Moonlight Shame Flower, and the powerful ancestors of the Lei Family came to Lei Qingxuan.

"I'm fine." Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Little brother Xiao Chen, you are finally here." Duanmu Kaitian and Duanmuyun also walked over and greeted them enthusiastically.

Lei Yuanhua by his side was taken aback, the young man in front of him even knew the ancestor Duanmu, but the attitude of the ancestor Duanmu was a bit too enthusiastic.

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