Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1380: Three arrogances of the Lei family!

The young man's name is Li Yuan, and he is the strongest Tianjiao of the young generation in Tiandan Valley. Whether it is the talent of cultivation or refining medicine, he is second to none in the Tiandan Valley. Even if he meets the Emperor Liyang, he is kind.

"Since Uncle Master wants to kill him, leave this matter to me, and the Duanmu family's affairs, which happened to be solved together. Not everyone in my Tiandan Valley can insult, and the disciples of Tiandan Valley Not everyone can say that it is abolished."

Li Yuan said lightly, his eyes calm, but the words were full of killing intent, even Liyang Immortal Emperor was shocked.

"Congratulations Yuan'er, your cultivation base is even further, even if Shishu is not as good as you." Congratulations, Immortal Emperor Liyang, at the same time there was some emotion in his heart, Li Yuan is a genius like a monster. To this extent, Tiandan Valley is also cultivated as a future valley master.

Li Yuan didn't have any expressions, but calmly said: "Uncle Shi, tell me who your enemy is. After Duanmu Qingyun's retreat is over, it's time for revenge."

"Okay." Immortal Emperor Liyang nodded, and then condensed into a face with his fairy power.

"Is it him?" Li Yuan frowned.

"Huh? Yuan'er, do you know him?" Liyang Immortal Emperor was taken aback.

"His name is Xiao Chen, and it is because of him that Duanmu Qingyun was abandoned." Li Yuan said lightly.

"It turned out to be him!" Immortal Emperor Liyang said in surprise. After he came back, Li Hai added to his jealousy about what happened at Duanmu's house. He naturally knew what role Xiao Chen played in it, but he didn't think of offending him. He turned out to be this kid too.

"This saves a lot of trouble, Master, just wait for the good news." Li Yuan said calmly, and then walked out of the room.


Eighteen Lei Family areas, during this period, Lei Ling City, the main city of Lei Family, was much more lively than usual, because half a month later, it was the days when the youngest generation of the 18 Lei Family geniuses competed.

Moreover, recently, the Lei family's Tianjiao is extremely proud, because their Lei family has appeared a strong man on the purple list.

You know, apart from one emperor and four emperors, few other forces can enter the Dao Purple List. After Lei Qingxuan entered the Dao Purple List, the Lei family celebrated for half a month.

At the gate of Lei Ling City, Xiao Chen walked into the gate with the closed moon Xiuhua and Xiaoqing. Since the two girls of closed month Xiuhua have accepted the inheritance, their personalities are much more cheerful, but for what inheritance they have acquired, The two kept silent, just telling Xiao Chen when they needed it.

Xiao Chen smiled helplessly and didn't care. He followed the two of them and strolled around Lei Ling City.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the street.

"Look, it's Lei Family's Three Pride!"

"Except for Lei Qingxuan, they are the three strongest members of the Lei family's younger generation."

"So handsome, if I could marry them, how nice it would be."

"Lei family's three arrogance?" Closed Yue's eyes beamed, "Master, sister, let's go and see."

When the voice fell, Bian Yue had already pulled Xiuhua into the crowd. Xiao Chen looked at the second girl, smiled helplessly, and then squeezed in.

A group of people walked up the street. Among them were three handsome young men in purple robes. Apart from a purple-robed youth, there was also a green-robed youth in the middle.

The three purple-robed youths faintly respect the green-robed youth.

"Lei Huang, the three of you are very welcome." Hearing the cheers on the street, the Qingpao youth looked at the purple robe youth beside him and laughed.

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