Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1378: Love and passion!

In the mountains and forests, there was very silence, only the sound of the strong man behind Jixiang Sambo breathing deeply.

Xiao Chen received Ling Tian, ​​who deserved to be the guest of Tianbao Pavilion. There were a lot of good things on his body, but even so, Xiao Chen still didn't make up the 300 million pit fate value.

Xiao Chen turned his head to look at the auspicious Three Treasures, grinned and said: "Thousands of waters and mountains are always in love, can you spend some money?"

The auspicious Three Treasures and the strong behind them were all taken aback, and then those strong eyes widened. Isn't this trying to rob them?

"It's a fate to meet thousands of miles away, so why not lend you some!" Dabao smiled, and then threw a storage ring directly to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen took the storage ring, and then looked at Dabao with some surprise, the contents in it were more than the total worth of Tiandan Pavilion Keqing.

"Thank you, my name is Xiao Chen. I have written down this love. I can find me if I have something to do. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you." Xiao Chen handed his hands and exchanged three vitality pills with these things. enough.

"It's just some resources, don't worry about it." Erbao said with a smile.

"Thanks a lot, we still have important things to do, let's say goodbye first!" Xiao Chen arched his hands again.

"Farewell!" The auspicious three treasures simultaneously arched their hands.

Xiao Chen summoned the Sonny and flew Xiaoqing and Shunyue Xihua on the Sonny. The Sonny had already broken through the air and left in the next moment.

With the departure of the Sonny, the smile on the faces of the Auspicious Three Treasures disappeared, instead they were full of solemnity.

"Dabao, do you really feel'good luck' in him?" Erbao said through a voice transmission, his face full of seriousness.

"Is there really good luck? The little guy Wu Bitian has almost succeeded." Sambo asked equally seriously.

"It is auspicious to turn the evil into auspiciousness, and we have to rely on the three of us. It is impossible to achieve good luck with him alone." Dabao said.

"Whether there is a glimmer of hope, anyway, the three of us don't exist anyway. If we can help him, it won't be a waste of the three of us." Erbaodao.

"The second child is right, after all, this world is related to us." Sanbaodao.

"This time, we have settled a good relationship. We will find him in a few days and follow him to see how we can help him." Dabao said through a voice transmission.

"Good!" Erbao and Sanbao nodded.


On the Sonny, Yue Xiuhua looked at the three black clay **** in her hand, and looked at Xiao Chen with some disbelief, "Master, this is the vitality pill?"

Xiao Chen was also speechless. This was indeed the vitality pill that was exchanged in the system, but the appearance was too ugly. It was not even as good as an ordinary pill. Looking at this pill, Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of rubbing it from Jigong. Mud pills coming down.

"This is indeed a vitality pill, you can take the three together." Xiao Chen said to shame.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Shame Hua nodded, and no longer hesitated, he swallowed the three vitality pills together.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiuhua opened her eyes.

"Sister, you seem to have a little more flesh on your body, and your complexion is a little better, why haven't any other changes been made?" Jianyue pinched Xiuhua's body, then asked suspiciously.

Xiao Chen also looked at Xiuhua, the vitality in Xiuhua's body no longer passed away, but there was no aura in her body, that is to say, the current Xiuhua was completely an ordinary person.

But one thing is certain, that is, Xiuhua will not die because of the passing of life.

"Sister, I'm all right." Xiuhua stood up and circled the Sonny a few times, with a happy smile on her face.

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