Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1374: Play as a pig and eat a tiger!

"Boy, don't use these little tricks to instigate discord to show your ugliness. You only need to take out all the fairy crystals. As for how to allocate them, you don't have to worry about it." Another big Luo Xianjun nine-fold powerhouse said coldly.

"That's not good, if you fight a lot because of uneven distribution of the spoils, and then die so many, wouldn't it be that I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Hmph, the junior should talk nonsense, you don't need to worry about the following things, but if you don't hand over the fairy crystal, the old man can guarantee that the next moment is when you are buried." The nine-layer strong man of the big Luo Xianjun is cold and cold. Tao.

"Well, since you are so impatient to die, then I will fulfill you." The cold voice fell, and Xiao Chen appeared above the strong man's head again, from top to bottom, the fire fist blasted out directly.

"Huh, junior, the old man knows that your avenue of flames is very talented, but unfortunately you met the old man."

The strong man sneered, and a shield appeared in his hand.

"Water shield!" The strong shouted, and a shield formed by the Great Avenue of Water directly blocked Xiao Chen's fire fist.

"Hahaha, the juniors are useless, the old man is not comparable to those idiots, the old man's water shield can't be broken even by Immortal Emperor Luo." The strong laughed.

"The immortal Emperor Daluo can't break it, doesn't mean that Xiaoye can't break it either." Xiao Chen sneered.

"Emperor Yan!"

Xiao Chen merged his hands, and a fireball directly hit the water shield.

"Junior, let the old man say how many times, it is impossible to break the old man with your flame avenue... how is it possible!"

The strong man still looked like he was in the house before, but the next moment he was shocked, because he found that the water shield he had activated had evaporated, and the shield on his head melted in the blink of an eye.

"Impossible!" A look of horror appeared in the strong man's eyes. The next moment, the fireball had already exploded and swallowed the strong man in an instant.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. Before the other strong men could react, they found that the strong man was swallowed by the flame avenue.

"No, it's the third avenue of flames!" Another peak powerhouse of Da Luo Xianjun exclaimed.

"What, the third avenue of flames, isn't that something that can be understood by the strong immortal Emperor Daluo?" Many strong people exclaimed after hearing this.

"Is it time to feel emotional? This kid is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. The Third Avenue of Flames is not something we can handle at all. Run now."

"Yes, yes, run, no wonder this kid dared to walk out of Tiandan City with such a big fanfare, this is waiting for us!"

Many strong people regret it.

"Great Yan Zhu!"

Xiao Chen gave a cold shout, and a pillar of fire formed in the mountains, enclosing all the strong inside.

"I want to run now, don't you think it's too late?" Xiao Chen said coldly, full of killing intent. Since he dared to do something to him, he would naturally not be merciful.

"Ah, senior, spare my life!"

"We were wrong, seniors forgive me!"

Looking at the pillar of fire that surrounded them, many strong men directly knelt down and begged for mercy.


Xiao Chen shouted indifferently, squeezing his right hand, and then the surrounding pillars of fire instantly gathered together, and the surrounding area suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a scream of despair rang out, even the nine-tier strong master Luo Xianjun could not run out.

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