Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1362: Abolish the cultivation base!

At this moment, the young man in Tiandangu suddenly said, and at the same time slandered in his heart: "It's a pity, I didn't expect this beauty to be taken by the old pervert, but when the old pervert gets tired, I can try it ."

"Slap!" Duanmu Kaitian slapped Duanmu Qingyun's face directly, slapped him directly!

"The old man asked if you have any opinions, why are you talking so much!"


"Just pull it, why did you come out like the old Liyang man? Do you threaten the old man?"


"Are you the **** breed of my Duanmu family or his Liyang dog? Now I will give you a choice, choose Duanmu family or the old man from Lihuo?"

Duanmu Kaitian jumped like thunder, and three slaps seemed to slap everyone's faces. Everyone looked at the furious Duanmu Kaitian and did not dare to say a word.

"Ancestor Duanmu, if you scold me like this, I will report the truth." Tiandangu youth said coldly.

"Fuck, I teach my grandson, it's your ass, you're not an old grandson, what do you say!" Duanmu Kaitian cursed.

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Xiao Chen looked at Duanmu Kaitian, a little funny, this old man had a hot temper.

The Tiandangu youth trembled with anger. As the Tianjiao Tianjiao, he was respected no matter where he went. Even if the disciples of the Four Emperors saw him, they would treat him with courtesy.

He has never been scolded like this, although the other party is the ancestor of the Eighteen Family, it does not mean that he will swallow his anger.

"Ancestor Duanmu, I remembered this hatred when I left the sea!" Lihai took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and sat down slightly.

The ancestor Duanmu looked at Lihuo with a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He looked back at Duanmu Qingyun and said, "Why, haven't you made a choice yet?"

"I won't betray Master!" Duanmu Qingyun said, Li Yang is a famous immortal pharmacist in Tiandan Valley, and his status in Tiandan Valley is very high, far stronger than any family of the eighteen families.

"That means you are going to betray the Duanmu family?" Duanmu Kaitian asked.

"I am a disciple of the Duanmu family, I naturally don't want to betray the Duanmu family!" Duanmu Qingyun said.

"In other words, if you were to choose between Duanmu House and Liyang, would you choose Liyang?"

Duanmu Qingyun didn't speak or express anything, but Duanmu Kaitian already understood what Duanmu Qingyun meant.

"I understand."

Duanmu Kaitian nodded, and the next moment, a fierce light burst into his eyes, and he punched Duanmu Qingyun's Dantian.


Without any signs, Duanmu Qingyun had no precautions, he was punched on the dantian, and the next moment, Duanmu Qingyun's immortal power slowly began to dissipate.

"You abolished my dantian?" Duanmu Qingyun pointed at Duanmu Kaitian, his face was full of fear and roared in disbelief.

"Your choice represents your fate. If it weren't for the face of the word Duanmu, the old man would kill you directly." Duanmu Kaitian said, his eyes were full of brutality.

Hearing Duanmu Qingyun's roar, everyone looked at Duanmu Kaitian in disbelief. Duanmu Qingyun, the strongest arrogant of the younger generation in the Duanmu family, was also deposed and became a waste.

This is more serious than directly killing Duanmu Qingyun.

The Duanmulong couple was also full of disbelief. Duanmu Nian was also stunned. All the strong Duanmu family were silent.

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