Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1360: Extinguish the Soul Mountain!

"Young Master, resources are not a problem, but all the cards of the Eighteenth Family are in the same place." Duanmu Kaitian said solemnly.


"Soul Soul Mountain Range!"

"The Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range?" Xiao Chen was shocked. Xiao Chen still knew the Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range in the Tianwu Immortal Palace area, and the Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range occupies almost half of the entire Tianwu Immortal Palace area.

Soul Extinguish Mountain Range, as the name suggests, even after entering, the fairy soul will be destroyed, which is enough to prove the danger of Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range.

But for some unknown reason, the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Soul-killing Mountain Range, the Immortal Medicine and Immortal Grass grow extremely fast, like the fairy grass that takes 10,000 years to grow in the outside world, it is likely to grow in more than ten years in the Soul-killing Mountain Range.

It is precisely for this reason that the Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range has become a favorite place for adventurers. After all, if you can find a few Immortal Herbs and Herbs in it, it will be enough for hundreds of years of cultivation resources.

It is also because of this that the Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range has also become a trial ground for the disciples of one emperor, four emperors, seven valleys and eighteen families.

"Young Master, the next trial will be in two years." Duanmu Kaitian said, the meaning in his eyes was clear.

"I know, I will go to the Soul-killing Mountain Range." Xiao Chen said. Since the eighteen trump cards are in the Soul-killing Mountain Range, he will naturally have to go for it, and he is still carrying a huge debt, although the system does not It is compulsory to pay off, but it is not a thing to always owe it, and the system will clean up a wave of pitfalls from time to time, which makes Xiao Chen a little impatient.

Since the Soul Destruction Mountain Range is so magical and has a lot of resources, he naturally can't let it go.

"Does the Duanmu family have any other information about the Soul Extinguishing Mountain Range?" Xiao Chen asked, what he knew, the experts in the Tianwu realm knew it.

"There are some, but not too much." As he said, a jade slip appeared in Duanmu Kaitian's hand.

After a while, after reading the information, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed: "There are treasures of resources everywhere, fairy beasts and fierce beasts are everywhere, this is a good place, regardless of resource, fairy beast, or fierce beast, for me, Both are the best choices for enhancing strength."

Afterwards, Xiao Chen and Duanmu Kaitian chatted for a while, and Duanmu Kaitian suddenly said, "Young Master, half a year later, it will be a day when the younger generation of the eighteen families will compete. Would you like to check it out?"

"Where will it be held? I want to go to Tiandan Valley first." Xiao Chen said, the shameless thing is urgent and must first be purchased for vitality pills.

"This time the 18 disciples contest was held in the Lei family, the Lei family turned out to be a genius on the Purple List. The old guy in the Lei family must be happy." Duanmu Kaitian said, with a little jealousy in his tone.

Xiao Chen smiled, and then sternly said: "You also have a good genius in the Duanmu family, but the other members of the Duanmu family have gone too far."

Xiao Chen recounted what happened in the square. After listening to it, Duanmu Kaitian was blowing his beard and staring. Especially Duanmu Qingyun's actions made Duanmu Kaitian jump into thunder.

Duanmu Kaitian usually only knows about cultivation, and rarely pays attention to the situation of the Duanmu family. He did not expect that the younger generation of the Duanmu family would do such a dirty thing.


In Divine Phoenix Square, Duan Muming and Duan Mu Qingyun are still fighting, but now both of them are a little embarrassed.

Xiaoqing lay on the ground lazily, closed month Xiuhua leaned on Xiaoqing, and the other powerful men watched Xiaoqing cautiously.

Duanmulong watched the battle between Duanmuming and Duanmu Qingyun, his eyes flashed gloomy, and then a little bit under his feet, the next moment, he appeared between the two.

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