Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1337: Lan Family Patriarch!

Moreover, Lan Han will not live long. If Lan Han dies, all the realms of the Lan family will probably be eaten away in a very short time, so the Lan family will be married everywhere.

Mucheng didn't let Xiao Chen wait for long. Soon, a strong aura came from outside, and Xiao Chen and Lan Yue'er came to the restaurant again.

Mucheng reappeared again, and there was also a middle-aged man beside him. He was very handsome and looked a little like Lan Qing. It seemed that he was the father of their sisters, Lan Chong, the head of the Lan family.

Lan Qing and Qingnian also came to Lan Chong's side, Lan Qing whispered to Lan Chong, and Lan Chong's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Boy, who are you, dare to intervene in the affairs of my Lan family?" Lan Chong asked gloomily, his voice still full of anger.

"My name is Xiao Chen and Lan Yue'er is my friend. I want to help her, it's that simple." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Family name Xiao?" Lan Chong frowned, "Are you from the Qingling Xiao family?"

"No, I have nothing to do with the Qingling Xiao family, and I'm not a disciple of any power." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Since you don't have any influence or background, and you dare to intervene in the affairs of my Lan family, it seems you are looking for a dead end."

Lan Chong sneered, but Mucheng frowned. Does such a young Lord Luo Xianjun really have no background?

"Come here, take him down for me, and catch that stinky girl back for me." Lan Chong directly ordered.

When the voice fell, all the powerful Lan family had been dispatched. Mucheng looked at Lan Chong, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. Xiao Chen was the powerful Daluo Xianjun. Lan Chong sent some Daluo Xuanxian. Didn’t they send food? Just do it when you figure it out, no wonder the Lan family's power is getting weaker and weaker.

A dozen people surrounded Xiao Chen in the blink of an eye, but in the next moment, Xiao Chen had already moved, and the wings flickered. No one could see what had happened. A dozen powerful people in the Lan family were kicked out and turned into one. Streamer, life and death are unknown.

A look of surprise flashed across Mucheng's face, even if he didn't see how Xiao Chen did it. Thinking of this, Mucheng looked at Xiao Chen with a little serious and jealous eyes.

"Would you like to come up and try to see if I am qualified to intervene in the affairs of your Lan family?" Xiao Chen looked at Lan Chong and smiled lightly.

Lan Chong's face was extremely angry. The strong men he brought were all elites of the Lan family, but they were all defeated in the blink of an eye, which made him full of anger towards Xiao Chen.

"you wanna die!"

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be jealous of Xiao Chen, but Lan Chong only wanted revenge to wash his shame.

Lan Chong just moved, Xiao Chen had already moved, still with a kick, Lan Chong was kicked from mid-air to the ground, smashing a huge hole in the street.

Mucheng's pupils shrank. Although Lan Chong had no brains, he was also a real five-tier powerhouse of Daluo Xianjun. He was kicked to the ground. Is the young man in front of him really the first one?

"Damn you!"

There was a roar deep in the ground. It was Lan Chong's voice. He was kicked to the ground by a junior in front of everyone. This has completely angered him.


The street burst open, and Lan Chong rushed up from the ground angrily, but the next moment, he was kicked again like a meteor.

Afterwards, both the curtain city and the surrounding powerhouses were stunned, watching Lan Chong rushing up, and then being kicked down. It didn't take long for a deep hole to appear on the street.

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