Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1333: Territory war ended!

Xiao Chen briefly confessed a few words and asked them to conquer Xuanyuan Realm, and then left Xuanyuan City.

Five days later, on the Sonny, Xu Zhen stood beside Xiao Chen and set off towards Chi You's realm. At this time, he already had a Xuanyuan Sword in his system space, and this Xuanyuan Sword was still a divine weapon.

After another five days, Xiao Chen got an extra Chi You knife on his body.

Xiao Chen collided Xuanyuan Jian with Chi You Dao.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for winning the Xuanyuan Battle Banner!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for winning the Chi You banner!"

Item: Xuanyuan Battle Banner

Grade: Special

Function: Xuanyuan Zhanqi, command Xuanyuan descendants, don't dare not follow.

Chi You's battle flag, command Chi You's descendants, don't dare not follow.

"Xuanyuan Zhanqi, Chi You Zhanqi, command Xuanyuan descendants and Chi You descendants, but what use is the Xuanyuan family and Chi You family are so weak."

Xiao Chen was very helpless. He actually obtained two useless things. He sighed and put away the two tasteless battle flags.

Next, Xiao Chen and Xu Zhen set out to the Tianwu Realm.


Half a year later, Xiao Chen and Xu Zhen sat facing each other in a certain restaurant in the realm of the curtain.

The realm war has ended, Wanyu is shaking, and shocking news spread all over Wanyu.

"The realm war is finally over." Xiao Chen sighed. Within half a month, Xiao Chen had hardly acted. Everywhere he went, he heard news about the realm war.

Many of these names are even more famous. Song Jingxian is the first in the Dao Purple List and Song Jingxian. With one person's strength, he defeated many Dao Purple List experts and won the first place in the ranking. Finally, I learned that Song Jingxian is Tianwuxian. Palace disciple.

Many geniuses joined Tianwu Immortal Palace, and Xiao Jingjing also joined Tianwu Immortal Palace.

According to Xu Zhen, Tianwu Immortal Palace has one emperor and eight palaces. One emperor is naturally the first person in the immortal world, the lord of Tianwu Immortal Palace, and the only immortal Emperor Luo in the immortal world.

The eight palaces are named after gossip. Every palace owner is the top powerhouse of the Daluo Immortal Emperor, and Kan Yue is the palace owner of Kan.

Xiao Jingjing became a disciple of Kanyue, so she would not be bullied.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also inquired that the seven monsters had joined the seven valleys of the Tianwu realm, and that several women including Lei Qingxuan were also introduced into the Tianwu realm by the eighteen families of the Tianwu realm.

"They have all reached the realm of Tianwu, and I should act." Xiao Chen muttered. For half a year, Xiao Chen has walked through many realms in a straight line. Every time he walks through a realm, Xiao Chen will use the Heaven-opening Treasure Mirror. After exploring some secret realms, Xiao Chen's power of the Great Dao reached the third level, and his cultivation reached the first level of Daluo Xianjun.

With his current cultivation base, even if he meets Immortal Emperor Daluo, he can still retreat.

"Look, it's the scene!"

Suddenly there was a noise from the restaurant, and a group of people walked up the stairs. At the front were two young people, followed by two women. In addition to them, there were many guards following them.

"Screen Yuan." Xiao Chen was taken aback. The name Xiao Chen couldn't be more familiar, because Mu Yuan was a Tianjiao disciple of the Eighteen Mu Clan families, and this was the main realm of the Mu Clan.

Although Mu Yuan did not qualify for the Purple List of Dadao, it was also a Grade A Dadao imprint. It was very famous in the Mu Family. Xiao Chen also heard people discuss this name frequently.

Xiao Chen looked at the stairs, and then looked a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

Xiao Chen didn't know the name of the young man next to the curtain, but he knew the two women behind him. They turned out to be the sisters Lan Yue'er and Lan Qing that Xiao Chen met shortly after entering the battlefield of the realm.

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