Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1326: Meet acquaintances!

"The Xuanyuan family, isn't it the family Xuanyuanhai and the others belong to?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

The Xuanyuan family once sent the strong and the Chi You family to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory to **** the fruits of the great road formed after the death of the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory. In the end, they were all destroyed by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen still had the Xuanyuan Family and the Chi You Family's mission.

Xiao Chen checked the map of the Immortal Realm, and found that the Xuanyuan Realm was the most fringe realm of the Immortal Realm just like the Barren Realm, and the Chiyou Realm was on the edge of the Xuanyuan Realm.

Within half a day, Xu Chen and Liu Yun brought Xiao Chen to Xuanyuan City.

"Senior, this is Xuanyuan City. The Xu Family and the Liu Family are considered to be the top families in Xuanyuan City. Unfortunately, they are still too weak to face the Xuanyuan Family."

Xu Chen introduced that his voice was full of helplessness.

The strongest person in Xuanyuan City is the Patriarch of the Xuanyuan Family, and the existence of the Daluo Jinxian triple. Of course, the strongest person in the entire Xuanyuan Realm is the Realm Master of Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Hongyuan.

Xu Chen and Liu Yun brought Xiao Chen directly to Xu's house. Several guards stood at the gate of Xu's house. After seeing Xu Chen, they hurriedly saluted them respectfully.

"I have seen the young master!"

Xu Chen nodded lightly, and led Xiao Chen and Liu Yun into Xu's house.

In the living room of the Xu family meeting, the head of the Xu family, that is, Xu Chen’s father Xu Qiang, mother Feng Yue, and the many elders of the Xu family and Tianjiao all gathered together, smiling flatteringly at a young man.

When Xu Chen and the others stepped into the hall, many people looked over, but when they saw Liu Yun behind Xu Chen, their expressions changed.

"The child joins father and mother." Xu Chen stepped forward to salute.

"Uncle and auntie." Liu Yun also stepped forward to salute.

When Xu Qiang and Feng Yue saw Xu Chen, they were first happy, but after seeing Liu Yun, their expressions changed.

Since the lady of the Xuanyuan family announced that Xu Chen is hers, the two families have ordered that Xu Chen and Liu Yun should not be allowed to meet again. At this time, the two went together. If the Xuanyuan family were to get news, wouldn’t it? disaster.

Xiao Chen glanced at the hall and found that everyone looked at Liu Yun's gaze a little bit unkind. Xiao Chen also secretly checked the Xu family's cultivation base. Except for Xu Qiang who is the first heavy metal fairy of Daluo, most of them are Jinxianhe Tianxian, these forces are not weaker than the Xiao family in the barren realm.

"Brother, you even brought this woman home, do you want my Xu family to be destroyed!" A young man beside Xu Qiang pointed to Xu Chen and shouted angrily.

Xu Chen didn't pay attention to the young man at all, but said to Xu Qiang and Feng Yue: "Father, mother, I will introduce you to a senior."

As he said, he led Xiao Chen behind him in front of everyone and said, "Father and mother, this is Senior Xiao Chen."

"Senior Xiao Chen, this is my father Xu Qiang, and this is my mother Feng Yue."

At this time, the people found that besides Liu Yun, there was also Xiao Chen. The people began to look at Xiao Chen, and then frowned slightly.

"Huh, it turned out to be you?"

When everyone was looking at Xiao Chen, a shock sounded, and only then did Xiao Chen and Xu Chen discover that there was a young man sitting at the head of the Xu family.

When he saw the youth, Xiao Chen's eyes also flashed a hint of astonishment.

"It turned out to be you."

Xiao Chen obviously did not expect to meet an acquaintance in the Xuanyuan realm. The young man in front of him turned out to be Xu Zhen, a very capable disciple of Tianluo who wanted to kill Xiao Chen in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Xiao Chen looked at Xu Zhen and found that he only had the cultivation base of a god, and he appeared in the Xu family. Could this guy belong to the Xu family?

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