Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1322: Double the reward!

Only the mark of the avenue stayed quietly in the valley. Although there were many people in the valley, there was no sound.

The old man from the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce glanced at the disappearing crack, and bid farewell to Kan Yue.

Kan Yuemo was expressionless, and then came to Xiao Jingjing's side and said: "Jingjing, I can only help here with your big brother's affairs."

"Thank you, Master, Master's great kindness, the disciples will remember it in their hearts." Xiao Jingjing knelt on one knee, grateful.

Kan Yue nodded, and then said: "Get up, the final competition is about to begin. My teacher hopes that you can seize the time to enter the Dao Zibang, which will be of great help to your future practice."

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Jingjing nodded and said, without Kan Yue's words, she would do it too. She wants to become stronger and she wants the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce to pay the price.

Kan Yue nodded, and then a little bit below her feet, the person had disappeared.

Xiao Jingjing looked at Kan Yue's disappearing back, and then discussed with Lei Qingxuan and others, and then began to absorb the mark of the road on the field.

"Unexpectedly, it would be such a result in the end, Xiao Chen was actually expelled." Zhuge Liangchen said with some emotion.

"Yes, it's a pity. With his strength, he can definitely make a sensation in the core place. I didn't expect it to end in such a hurry." Eastern Beauty also sighed.

"Wife, but we underestimated the girl and didn't expect her to be accepted as an apprentice by Palace Master Kanyue." Zhuge Liangchen's eyes fell on Xiao Jingjing, who was absorbing the mark of Yu Hongjia Avenue.

"Husband, why don't we make friends. She has absorbed the marks of Yu Hongjia and Meng Guanyu's avenues, and should be able to enter the avenue purple list. With her current identity, even Hua Wushang is far inferior." Dongfang Meijing said.

"it is good!"

But at this time, Yu Baixue's face was the most ugly. For an ineffective clan brother, her elder brother died, and the big brother's mark was absorbed by Xiao Jingjing.

In Yu Baixue's eyes there was envy, jealousy, helplessness, and regret.

Crazy Blade took a deep look at Xiao Jingjing, and then left directly through the air.

The battlefield of the realm began to change, but all this had nothing to do with Xiao Chen.


In a certain boundary, over a certain mountain peak, a crack suddenly appeared, and then a figure fell from the sky.

This figure was Xiao Chen who was sent out from the battlefield by Kan Yue.

At this time, Xiao Chen was a bit bitter. Generally, only two kinds of people would appear in the realm battlefield. Either they would die on the realm battlefield and become a resentful spirit, or they would stand on Tianwu Mountain and become a respected existence.

It was the first time to be expelled halfway, which means that Xiao Chen set a precedent.

However, the bitterness on Xiao Chen's face soon disappeared. In general, the gains in the field battlefield this time are still great, from the Golden Immortal directly to the peak of the Daluo Xuanxian, and the body of the demon **** also gained a great deal Promote.

But the most important thing is the black bear and Xiaoqing. At this time, both the black bear and Xiaoqing are retreating in the world of God of War. The black bear has the gods rice provided by Xiao Dingfeng, and Xiaoqing has the essence and blood obtained by Xiao Chen's wanton killing of foreign races. Wait for them to leave. After that, I don’t know how strong it will be.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen still had some expectations in his heart.

At the same time, the system reminder sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the quest in the realm battlefield and obtaining an s-level rating."

"Ding, given that player Xiao Chen killed a large number of alien races on the battlefield of the realm, the reward is doubled!"

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