Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1320: The coquettish woman reappears!

"Although there are only three kinds of flames, a lotus of creation and a nether fire are not mortal things. With the addition of the Avenue of Flames, I must be sure that the power of your explosion will not disappoint me."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the name of a fighting skill that Xiao Chen liked very much appeared directly in his mind.

"Buddha's anger lotus, bloom your brilliance!"

Xiao Chen roared, looking at the powerful men swarming in front of him, the fireball in his hand directly smashed out.


As Xiao Chen's indifferent voice sounded, the small fireball suddenly shot out thousands of flames, and at the same time, a feeling that made everyone's heart palpitations lingered in their hearts, and all the powerful Daluo Xianjun subconsciously looked at the fireball.

The next moment, the fireball suddenly exploded in the crowd.


An astonishing sound came out, and an extremely dangerous feeling came out. These people subconsciously wanted to escape, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly spoke again.

"Invincible domineering!"

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and his breath instantly wilted to the extreme, and blood flowed out of the seven orifices. At this time, Xiao Chen forcibly displayed the sequelae of invincible domineering.

However, the effect was also very obvious. All Daluo Xianjun felt that the fairy soul was dizzy, and just so dizzy, they had missed the opportunity to escape, and could only look at the flames in the sky, enveloped them with despair.

However, in the next moment, the flames all over the sky suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. All the strong immortal Kings were stupid in place, and Xiao Chen stared at this scene, also stunned.

Buddha's anger lotus disappeared? What's going on?

The strong people watching the battle on the side were also dumbfounded.

"Little guy, your methods are really brutal. If you let the flames burst out completely, I'm afraid that of the 30-odd mid-level Da Luo Xianjun, not a few will survive."

Just when everyone didn't know what was going on, a faint female voice sounded, and then a coquettish woman appeared in the field.

After seeing the woman appear, the old man of the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce and the other strong men of the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce all had their pupils tightened, looking at the woman with fear.

The woman who appeared was Xiao Jingjing's master.

"See Palace Lord Kanyue!" The old man and other experts in the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce saluted respectfully.

"Participate in the master!" Xiao Jingjing came to Kan Yue and bowed respectfully on one knee.

"I have seen seniors." Xiao Chen also arched his hands.

Kan Yue nodded to Xiao Jingjing and Xiao Chen, then looked at the old man and said, "Xiao Chen, is the eldest brother of the disciple Xiao Jingjing in this palace. For the sake of the face of this palace, please spare his life."

"But Palace Master Kanyue, this kid, ransacked all the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce in the realm battlefield, inside, and outside. If you let him go, how can Tianyan Chamber of Commerce gain a foothold in the immortal world?" the old man said with his hands.

"You're right, this kid is really too much, but just now this palace saved so many great Lord Luo Xianjun from the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce, is it enough to cover some of your losses, right?"

Kan Yue said lightly, in fact, she had appeared in the valley a long time ago, and at the same time she had witnessed Xiao Chen's strength. She wanted to see what Xiao Chen could do, but even she was shocked by Xiao Chen's performance, especially in the end. The fireball made her admire even more.

However, if Xiao Chen really kills all these powerhouses, it will become an endless situation with the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce. Even if she comes forward, Xiao Chen's life will not be saved.

That's why she moved the entire fireball to another space at a time of crisis.

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