Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1314: Show your fangs!

Dongfang Meijing looked at Xiao Chen and it was full of complexity. Perhaps they had made a wrong decision by following Hua Wushang's action against Xiao Chen.

A dignified look was also on the face of the crazy knife not far away. If he had directly shot Xiao Chen, the consequences would be very serious.

"Brother, I really can't see through you more and more, or you hide too deeply." Hua Yanzi said with emotion.

"Perhaps." Xiao Chen said lightly without refuting it.

"Why do you say so much? After playing for so long, there is not much immortal power left in his body. We rushed forward and killed him." Hua Wushang said lightly.

In fact, he was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart. According to his idea, he could take Xiao Chen by himself, but Hua Yanzi did so many things, and finally they wanted them to act together.

"Since you want to kill me, then come on." Xiao Chen stepped forward, and Daluo Xuanxian's nine-layer aura burst out, a little bit below his feet, and he rushed straight to Hua Wushang and the others.

"Find death, kill!"

Looking at Xiao Chen as the first to kill, Hua Wushang's eyes flashed sharp and cold, and he shouted directly.

The ten people behind Hua Wushang burst out with the aura of Daluo Immortal Monarch on him, and then directly killed Xiao Chen.

"Nine-turn avatar, avatar technique!" Xiao Chen whispered in his heart, the next moment, nine Xiao Chen suddenly appeared beside him.

These clones are different from the flame clones. They have the same strength as Xiao Chen, but they can't act independently.

Ten Xiao Chen turned into ten golden lights, and at the same time they activated their wings flashes, appearing in front of ten Daluo Xianjun without a trace.

"The evil demon burst punch!"

An astonishing evil spirit emerged from the bodies of ten Xiao Chen, and his fists screamed out like lightning, hitting the chest of ten Immortal King Luo with an astonishing violent momentum.

The pupils of the ten Great Luo Xianjun shrank sharply, and they had no response at all, and they received a punch in the chest. The terrifying power directly blasted the ten Great Luo Xianjun.

They are not the strongest on the purple list of the Great Dao, so naturally there is no guardian of the Great Dao. When one meets, ten great Luo Xianjun are directly blown up.

The beautiful scenery of the good day, the crazy knife, the flower without war, the flower swallow, and Yu Baixue all have their pupils tightened, and their eyes are full of shock. Although these ten great Luo Xianjun failed to enter the Daluo Purple List, they are also the great Luo Xianjun. Just died like this.

And what happened to the ten Xiao Chen? It turns out to be exactly the same, is this a clone? But why are these clones exuding aura so powerful.

"Hua Yanzi, Hua Wushang, die!" Ten Xiao Chen shouted at the same time, and then rushed directly at the two.

Hua Wushang's complexion remained unchanged, and a golden gun appeared in his hand. When the spear was held in his hand, an amazing energy emerged from Hua Wushang's body, and a huge golden evil force spread all over his body.

Hua Wushang was holding a long spear and swept out with a spear. A huge spear shadow swept across the ten Xiao Chen, a powerful force piercing the void, bringing out a series of sparks.

Ten Xiao Chen used wing dodge to dodge this trick and appeared in different directions of Hua Wushang.

"Continuously hold the sword in the palm!"

Xiao Chen's expression was indifferent, his palm prints danced, dozens of golden dragons exuding powerful force, and he walked away facing Hua Wushang from different directions.

Dozens of golden dragons obscured the sky, and terrifying power raged out.

Everyone looked at the golden dragon in the sky dumbfounded, the shock in their hearts no longer knew what to describe.

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