Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1302: Cut it all!

The faces of Yu Hongjia and Meng Guanyu changed slightly, looking at the crazy knife, their eyes were full of dignity and jealousy. Yu Baixue looked at the crazy knife in his eyes a bit frenzied. This is the powerhouse on the purple list of the great road. Just breath is enough Shock the heroes.

Glancing at the extremely violent Mad Sword, Lei Qingxuan's women looked at Xiao Chen with worried eyes. Only Xiao Jingjing's expression was the most calm. In her eyes, her young master brother was the strongest.

"Are you ready to take this knife from me?" Crazy Sabre looked at Xiao Chen, opened his posture, and held the long sword horizontally in front of his chest. The flame on the knife reflected the extremely arrogant face of Crazy Sabre.

"Just like Iron Sword, you are overconfident in your own strength." Xiao Chen's face showed a smile. Whether it was Iron Tower or Iron Sword, it was just a trick. The same is true of Crazy Sword now.

"Since you want me to take a knife from you, then I'll take it for you to see." Ling Tian turned into a dragon sword and appeared in Xiao Chen's hands. Divine power surged in his body, and a strange black glow appeared on the knife.

Looking at Xiao Chen who was holding the knife, Crazy Sabre's face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes flashed with cold light: "You dare to use the knife, you are so bold!"

"The black dragon roars in anger!"

Mad Saber yelled, and the big sword in his hand slashed directly at Xiao Chen volley. Accompanied by a dragon chant, a black dragon and a fire dragon responded, and the two dragons crossed out and whizzed towards Xiao Chen.

"There are two dragons, one black, one fire, and two dragons. When Crazy Sword used to shoot, there was only one fire dragon. Could that black dragon have something to do with the sword in his hand?" Yu Hongjia said in shock.

"The black knife in his hand should be the reward for the monument of the avenue after he entered the Purple List of the Avenue." Yu Baixue said with a solemn expression: "It is said that every Tianjiao will receive different gifts from the monument of the avenue when he enters the Purple List of the Avenue. With the current strength of Crazy Sword, the average Daluo Xianjun simply cannot hold up a move."

"I don't know if I have a chance to enter the Purple List of the Great Avenue." Yu Hongjia said with some yearning, but then his expression cooled down, looking at Xiao Chen and said, "That guy is dead now."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the howling Ssangyong, tightly holding the knife in his hand, took a step forward, the dragon-slaying knife in his hand was directly cut out, and he shouted in his heart: "Sacred skill, a sword breaks the sky! "

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, a huge black sword beam slashed at the two dragons. The extremely powerful sword beam contained an incomparably powerful sword intent and met the two dragons in mid-air.


Dao Mang and Long Ying collided in mid-air, and a penetrating voice sounded, and then they collided, and a terrifying energy was constantly forming.

"No, go back!" Yu Hongjia and the others suddenly changed color, pulling Yu Baixue next to him and retreating violently.

Xiao Jingjing and others also retreated at the same time, Lihuo and the injured strongman in the valley, looking at the void that was beginning to collapse, showing a desperate expression.

Dao Mang collided with Ssangyong, and everything around was exploding. The explosion sound became more and more intense. In an instant, an explosion sounded throughout the valley. The towering trees on the mountain looked like fragments, and they changed into pieces of wood at the moment of the explosion.

The strong man who retreated outside the valley looked at the terrifying explosion, and everyone looked pale.

This kind of explosive power, even if the three or four powers of Daluo Xianjun are deeply involved, I am afraid it will not be able to bear it.

Li Huo, You Yangqiu died directly in the explosion.

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