Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1300: Goodbye Yu Baixue!

Xiao Chen took a light step, Ling Tian appeared in his hand and pulled a sword flower, his eyes swept across the valley, his expression suddenly cold and severe, and a sharp killing intent emerged from his body.

"One minute is up, if you don't leave, you should be buried here forever."

The voice full of killing intent fell, and Ling Tian in Xiao Chen's hand appeared directly on top of his head, one in two, two in four, and eight in four. Soon, a dense long sword appeared above Xiao Chen's head.

"Blade Storm, fall!"

The extremely cold voice fell, and ten thousand Ling Tian fell towards the valley, and then a series of sword blade storms formed, and they were involved in the storm. Even the peak of Daluo Xuanxian was cut into blood in an instant.

"What is this? There are so many storms!"

"These storms contain powerful sword aura, and I feel that if I were involved, I would be cut off in minutes."

Lei Qingxuan and the other women looked at the blade storm that appeared in the valley. Those strong men were like pieces of paper. As long as they were involved, they couldn't escape.

However, Gu Nei almost swept Qigu's various forces. With just one move, Xiao Chen offended Qigu many times.

After the blade storm, there was a mess in the valley, with stumps all over the place, even if I saw all kinds of deaths, at this time, seeing the scene in the valley, there was a chill involuntarily.

"As expected to be a disciple of the Seven Valleys forces, there are so many treasures on him." Xiao Chen looked at the strong man who survived, and smiled lightly.

The strong man who survived looked at Xiao Chen with horror. What kind of trick was this? There are so many strong men who fall in one move, I am afraid that those strong men on the Dao Zibang can't do it.

"Come out, these crooked melons and dates are not enough for the young master to stuff his teeth." Xiao Chen held a long sword and stood beside You Yangqiu who fell to the ground in fright, and said lightly.

"As expected, Xiao Chen, who can kill Iron Sword, really has some skill."

When Xiao Chen's voice fell, a voice rang, and then several figures appeared above the valley, looking at Xiao Chen condescendingly.

It was a young man in black who was talking, and beside him was a beautiful figure in white, it was Yu Baixue.

The young man in black looks very ordinary, but under that ordinary body, the possessor has unmatched power.

Xiao Chen glanced at the black-clothed youth, then set his gaze on Yu Baixue next to him, and said calmly: "You were spared your life back then, are you here to die again?"

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed across Yu Baixue's face, and her escape that day was the most humiliating thing in her life.

"Xiao Chen, although Yu Huang is not a weapon, but I have more people who can kill everyone. Today is your death date." Yu Baixue said coldly, eyes full of killing intent.

"The grievances between us, you are very clear. To put it bluntly, it is only Yu Huang who takes the blame, but since you want revenge, you must have the consciousness of death. I hope you don't regret it."

Xiao Chen said calmly, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Other people come out together, is it interesting to hide?"

"Did you kill my brother? It's really arrogant enough."

A cold-hearted young man appeared not far away, staring at Xiao Chen and Xiao Jingjing with cold eyes, full of killing intent.

"Who is your brother?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Meng Wan," the cold young man said coldly.

"Meng Wan, if it was the Meng Wan who wanted to rob us, I killed it." Xiao Chen glanced at the cold young man. Like the black-clothed young man next to Yu Baixue, he was also a hidden powerhouse.

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