Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1286: Triple return!

"You..." Zhuge Changqing just wanted to say something, Xiao Chen waved his hand to stop Zhuge Changqing, then looked at Meng Wandao: "You want to borrow the fairy crystal? Yes."

"You are very witty." Meng Wan smiled.

Everyone knows that this is a transaction that has not been repaid. A big Luo Jinxian would dare to take out so many immortal crystals, didn't he want people to grab it.

"There is a fairy crystal here. This is lent to you. Remember to return it three times when you return it." Xiao Chen said that a fairy crystal appeared in his hand, and then he threw it to Meng Wan, like a beggar.

All the strong nearby looked at this scene in amazement, and took out a piece of fairy crystal. Is this humiliating Meng Wan? Isn't this guy afraid of Meng Wan getting angry?

Sure enough, Meng Wan's stiff face was full of murderous intent, staring at Xiao Chen firmly: "Are you looking for death?"

"By the way, when you remember to return it, it must be tripled, otherwise Xiaoye will break your leg."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the whole neighborhood. This guy was so arrogant, he wanted Meng Wan to return, and he would break Meng Wan's legs.

Yu Baixue glanced at Xiao Chen with disdain, then glanced at Xiao Jingjing, with more contempt in her eyes.

"Even if you are the thirty-sixth on the avenue list, what if there is such an idiot brother who makes trouble everywhere, I see how you end up."

"Very good, I'm going to see how you interrupted my legs."

Sen Han killing intent appeared on Meng Wan's face, and Daluo Xianjun's dual aura burst out, making the complexions of many powerful men slightly changed.

"Hundred Giants are forbidden to fight, any grievances will be resolved by the rank battle!"

Just as Meng Wan was about to do it, Huangfu Leng Feng's voice suddenly rang, and then Huangfu Leng Feng appeared in midair and said calmly: "Who dares to violate the rules, kill me!"

Huangfu's Leng Feng's voice fell, and there was silence nearby. Although Hundred Giants were not allowed to make trouble, the struggle was inevitable. They also kept one eye closed, and they never stopped it.

At this time, Huangfu Leng Feng suddenly made a sound, and everyone looked at each other. Only Dongfang Long glanced at the cold Xiao Jingjing. I am afraid that Huangfu Leng Feng made a noise because of his face.

Huangfu Leng Feng left a word and left, leaving behind the strong man with a stunned look.

Meng Wan's face was pale, although he didn't understand why Huangfu Leng Feng stopped the fight, but he didn't dare to violate it.

"Boy, you are lucky. If you have recovered your life, you will live one more day." Meng Wan suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly.

"You are lucky, so you will live one more day." Xiao Chen looked at Meng Wan and said lightly, robbing him, because the dual cultivation base of Daluo Xianjun was not enough.

"Okay, very good, courageous." Meng Wan said gloomily, then stopped talking nonsense, turned and left with the strong behind him.

"Hahaha, you are such an idiot!" Yu Baixue and his party came to the front, Yu Huang laughed hahaha, the laughter was full of irony.

"Don't worry, your life will be accepted too." Xiao Chen looked at Yu Huang and said.

"Haha, you should first think about how to get through Meng Wanna Pass." Yu Huang laughed, and then followed Yu Baixue away.

"Hahaha, your kid is more arrogant than me, even if I don't dare to fight against Daluo Xianjun, what are you, kid should be a little self-aware." The Iron Sword brothers also walked over, and the Iron Tower sneered disdainfully.

"Don't mess with me, or kill you together!" Xiao Chen glanced at the iron tower, really thinking that using Da Luo Jinxian to kill Da Luo Xuanxian would be able to show off.

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