Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1278: Find the difference!

The headquarters of one emperor, four emperors, seven valleys and eighteen families are all in the Tianwu realm, and what Xiao Chen usually encounters is the same territory under the jurisdiction of these forces and belongs to the subsidiary forces.

"It seems that I still underestimate these forces." Xiao Chen said in his heart, and they were shocked when they knew that Xiao Chen and Xiao Jingjing were from the barren realm.

"Isn't this an oriental worm? It's been a long time, Yo, not only the oriental worm, but also the little sparrow, the little tiger, and the little turtle."

Just as a few people were chatting, a disgusting voice sounded.

After hearing the sound, Xiao Chen could feel that the faces of all four of them changed slightly, and there was a trace of anger and a trace of fear on their faces.

I saw a few young talents walk in, and the young man walking in the forefront showed a hint of disdainful mockery at the four.

Xiao Chen also looked up, his eyes moved slightly, and among the group of people there was an acquaintance of Xiao Chen, who was the Huayanzi who left at the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce that day.

He followed a young man, who was still childish, but Xiao Chen found that the young man's eyes were fierce and gloomy, and his appearance was a bit like a flower swallow.

"Could this boy be the youngest Da Luo Xianjun Hua Wushang." Xiao Chen said in his heart, and at this moment Hua Yanzi also looked over. When he saw Xiao Jingjing, he was obviously taken aback, but when he saw Xiao Chen , But it was startled.

Obviously he didn't know Xiao Chen who had changed his face, but after sensing Xiao Chen's cultivation level, a strange light flashed in Hua Yanzi's eyes. A big Luo Jinxian appeared in the circle of a group of big Luo Xianjun, and Xiao Chen Sitting quietly together, it was not difficult for Hua Yanzi to think that the person in front of her was Xiao Chen who had been chased by Tianyan Chamber of Commerce for several months.

But he didn't make any movements, just as if he didn't know Xiao Chen.

"Dongfang Sheng, are you looking for something?" The indifferent expression on Dongfang Long's face had disappeared, and a cold expression appeared instead.

"Dongfang Sheng, we want to fight with us!" Zhuge Changqing said gloomily. At the same time, Tantai Qingqing and Linghurui both stood up and looked at the youth coldly.

"With the four of you, have you beaten us?" Dongfang Sheng smiled faintly, his face full of disdainful mockery.

There are six people in Dongfang Sheng. Except for Flower Swallow, the other five are Daluo Xianjun, Dongfang Sheng is Daluo Xianjun two, and the other three are Daluo Xianjun first.

As for Dongfanglong, there are also six people, but including Xiao Jingjing, the five people are the first level of Daluo Xianjun.

Hearing Dongfang Sheng's words, the faces of the four of Dongfang Dragon were blue and white. The four of them and Dongfang Sheng did not fight once or twice, but they lost every time.

And when they saw Hua Wushang, their eyes sank even more.

"Why don't you dare? If you don't dare, just crawl out from here, and I can spare you once." Dongfang Sheng said with a smile on his face.

Climb out?

Don't say it is Immortal Monarch Daluo, even anyone can't stand it. If you really crawl out, you won't be able to lift your head in this life, let alone practice.

"Dongfang Sheng, you are deceiving too much, don't you want to fight? Well, labor and management promise you that we will go to the competition field!" Dongfang Long shouted angrily.

Dongfang Long understood that Dongfang Sheng wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate him. Whether it was a fight or crawling out, he couldn't take advantage of it, but he would rather be defeated than crawl out.

The other three also looked decisive.

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