Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1243: Chance of Ten Great Wars!

"Brother Young Master!" Xiao Jingjing was taken aback when she suddenly returned to the world of God of War. When she saw Xiao Chen, her face was happy.

"Quietly, why are you besieging those ten people?" Xiao Chen asked straightforwardly.

"Brother Young Master, are you nearby?"

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded.

Xiao Jingjing was overjoyed at first, then organized the language and said the matter again.

It turned out that a few days ago, a relic of an ancient sect appeared in the battlefield of the realm. Many powerful people entered the relic, but the strongest inheritance of the sect was robbed by ten gods.

These people were naturally unwilling, so they began to besiege ten people, but they didn't expect that the strongest inheritance was transformed into ten immortal artifacts, condensing ten super mythical beast phantoms, stupefied to block the siege of all the strong.

No one would be willing to watch the inheritance fall into the hands of ten immortals, so they have been surrounded by ten people, waiting for the supernatural beast phantom to disappear, they are snatching ten immortals.

"Ten of them are mine." Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Jingjing was taken aback, then nodded and said: "Brother Young Master, I know!"

"Let's go out!" Xiao Chen and Xiao Jingjing left the world of war spirits, hiding aside, looking at the ten war gods.

Not long after, the black bear brought the nine daughters to Xiao Chen's side, and Lei Qingxuan broke through the fifth level of Xuanxian, and the other eight girls also broke through Daluo Xuanxian. Xiao Chen briefly introduced Xiao Jingjing to them, always paying attention to the ten war gods. Status.

Until it got dark, the crowd still surrounded ten people, but due to the pressure of the super sacred beast, no monster appeared.

Looking at the dark night sky, Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, and then he brought the ten women to the ten war gods.

"Boss!" After seeing Xiao Chen, the ten war gods were very happy.

"You can refining in peace, leave it to me here!" Xiao Chen said.

"It's the boss!" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the Ten Great Gods did not hesitate, and sat cross-legged and began to refine.

Xiao Chen turned his head to look at the people around him, then floated in the air, and shouted in a deep voice: "I am Xiao Chen, the inheritance here is protected, and now I will withdraw immediately, otherwise I will not blame the young master for killing!"

Xiao Chen's cold voice rang in everyone's ears, and instantly everyone's eyes were on Xiao Chen.

"Boy, who are you, how can you speak here?"

As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a young man came out and said coldly.

"Black bear!" Xiao Chen said indifferently, and then the black bear suddenly let out a roar, swept out of the wild violence, jumped directly into the crowd, and instantly centered on the black bear, a terrifying spider crack appeared.

After they saw the black bear, their expressions changed instantly. They obviously regarded the black bear as a monster. They naturally knew the horror of the monster, especially the dark night.

"Get out!" Xiao Chen shouted again, and at the same time, the black bear also shouted, then grabbed a person next to him and squeezed it directly.

This scene directly frightened everyone. The black bear squeezed and exploded, but it was Da Luo Xuanxian powerhouse, perhaps Da Luo Xuanxian during the day, but in the dark night, they can only exert the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Go!" Many people directly began to evacuate, away from the black bear.

"Brother Young Master, let them leave like this, I'm afraid they won't be willing!" Xiao Jingjing said worriedly.

"It's okay, if they don't know anything, don't blame me for being rude!" Xiao Chen sneered looking at the figure hiding in the dark.

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