Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1235: Damn it!

Before entering the battlefield of the realm, the strongest genius in their family was already the fourth and fifth Daluo Jinxian, and now they don't know how strong they are.

"Do I want to enter Da Luo Jinxian?" Xiao Chen was helpless. The fruit of the Great Dao had to reach the ninth level of the Golden Immortal before he could refining. Suit.

"Forget it, let's talk at the time." Xiao Chen said to himself, and then continued to close his eyes and rest his mind, but the next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly sat up.

The three women looked at Xiao Chen strangely, but Xiao Chen was completely helpless, and then walked to the bow of the ship, the three women were taken aback, and followed.

And not far away, a big melee was taking place, and the fighting was dim.

"Isn't that one of the nine beauties, Chu Ruyu, the Tianjiao of the Chu Family?"

"That is one of the nine beauties, Cheng Zhiqing, the arrogant Cheng family!"

"And that one, it's Xiao Ruoer, one of the nine beauties, right?"

"And that, one of the nine beauties, Shangguanrui!"

"Why are they fighting?"

"Who knows!" The three women looked at the four women fighting in the distance in surprise.

Xiao Chen was even more painful. The four women were brought here by the clone again. The memories in his mind made Xiao Chen irritate the clone for being too cheap.

The four women were all attracted by the avatar of Xiao Chen with a fruit of the Great Dao. Can you imagine that when you were walking on the street, a person suddenly appeared in front of you with a fruit of the Great Dao in his hand. Would you like it?

How angry are you when the person says you want it, and that person says no to you?

What's even worse is that that person always appears in front of you.

"My fame for the first time was ruined by these clones." Xiao Chen wanted to cry without tears. The four women were drawn together, and then the clones disappeared, leaving only the fruit of the great path. Maybe it was right. The hateful tooth of the fruit of the avenue itch, in order to compete for the fruit of the avenue, the battle was instantly ignited.

"I'll go, come!" Xiao Chen scolded again, and then a woman appeared not far away, covered in thunder and lightning, her hair standing upright, and she was obviously angry.

"Mu Jia Mu is invincible, she has also appeared!"

The new one is also one of Jiumei. Although the name does not look like a girl, Mu Wudi is the strongest of Jiumei, and he is also the strongest genius of the Mu family, and his temper is even more grumpy.

"Stop it to my mother!" Mu Wudi exclaimed.

Hearing Mu Wudi's voice, the four women were all taken aback, and then separated instantly, all watching Mu Wudi with some fear.

"Do you know him?" Mu Wudi drew a portrait out of thin air, it was Xiao Chen's face.

"This bastard!" After seeing the portrait of Xiao Chen, the four women became angry instantly.

The three of Xia Wan glanced at the portrait of Xiao Chen, and then at Xiao Chen, with strange faces.

"Do you know where he is?" Mu Wudi asked gloomily.

"I chased him here, but suddenly he disappeared!" Chu Ruyu said angrily.

"So are we!"

"Suddenly disappeared!" The few people were taken aback when they finished speaking, and then looked at each other.

"Are you also chasing him?" The five were taken aback.

"Well, if I say that the person you are chasing and killing is just the same as me, do you believe it?" Xiao Chen received the Sonny and walked to several women helplessly, smiling bitterly.

After hearing the sound, the five women looked at Xiao Chen for an instant. The next moment, the suppressed anger in the five women's hearts erupted like a volcanic eruption. They looked at Xiao Chen's eyes and wanted to tear him. This anger, even though Changqin's third daughter Also trembled all over.

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