Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1227: Sha Demon Burst Fist!

The damage caused by Xiao Chen and the black bear will also be repaired. Simply put, as long as there is evil spirit in the valley, the evil spirit is immortal. No wonder the evil spirit is more terrifying than the monster.

"It's not a way to go on like this!" Xiao Chen blasted an evil demon out with a punch, and then instantly appeared beside Chang Qin in the distance, pulling her towards the valley.

The black bear was also taken by Xiao Chen. Losing the goal of the black bear, the five evil spirits stared at Xiao Chen's back, roared, turned into five red lights, and charged towards Xiao Chen.

"Come on!" Feeling the breath behind him, the black dragon wings appeared behind him and flew quickly.

Soon, Xiao Chen appeared outside the valley, and the five evil spirits were chasing after him, with suffocating anger, feeling the breath behind him, Chang Qin's heart was frightened.

When Xiao Chen appeared more than a thousand miles away from the valley, the five evil demons stopped, no longer chasing them, and then turned directly towards the valley.

But how could Xiao Chen let them go easily, and said to Chang Qin beside him: "Hide away!"

After the voice fell, Chang Qin was thrown out, and then the black bear appeared beside him and shouted in a low voice: "ROOM!"

A evil demon appeared beside Xiao Chen, and a black bear appeared beside the other four evil demon, raised the huge bear paw and patted it, and an evil demon was shot flying in an instant.

And Xiao Chen was not idle either. He slapped the sword in his palm directly, and the Netherfire also slapped the evil spirit, and then his hands turned golden. The four magical powers of the God of War bloodline were triggered instantly, and the Wushuang God Soldier appeared in his hand like a fist, God of War The suit appeared, and then deceived him, hitting the Sha Demon with a punch.

Without the continuous support of evil spirits, Xiao Chen looked like a beast, with fists to the flesh, and the powerful body of the evil demon was blown up by Xiao Chen.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for killing the evil demon, getting 0 cents, 30w pit margin, and 1000w killing points!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the mysterious spar!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Crystal of Sickness!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Hurricane suit accessories!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring the skill: Shade Blast Fist!"


After slaying this evil demon, Xiao Chen came directly to the black bear, and the other four evil demon didn't know why, ignored the black bear at all, and just returned to the valley wholeheartedly.

Although the black bear was powerful, its speed was obviously insufficient. Only one evil demon was dragged, and the other three were gone. Xiao Chen and the black bear worked together to quickly solve the last evil demon.

"Demon crystal, evil spirit crystal, there is only one hurricane suit, eh? There is even a skill!"

Xiao Chen checked it, but he didn't expect a skill to burst out, and it was still a super magic skill.

The evil demon bursting punch, super magical skill, the fist of condensing evil spirit, hits hundreds of punches in an instant, and each punch has a burst effect, and the use of evil spirit spar can increase its strength.

"Nice skill!" Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction and looked at the direction of the valley. He planned to solve all the remaining three evil demons in one effort.

However, when he was just preparing to act, he was suddenly sluggish in place, and then his face instantly turned blue. If someone was in front of him, he would definitely find Xiao Chen's face flushed and white, and his mouth was even more cursing.

"I've been erred!"

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and then two waves of people appeared on the mountain peaks on both sides, led by a woman no less than Chang Qin, followed by dozens of Tianjiao, each with a powerful aura.

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