Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1219: Monster power!

Xiao Chen estimated that the monster beast he killed just now was probably only the ground immortal cultivation base, and the only things exploded were the killing points and the mysterious spar.

Xiao Chen discovered that this mysterious spar could enhance the body of a demon god, so he temporarily named it demon crystal.

Following Xiao Chen's slaying of the monster beast, all the monster beasts in the surrounding area saw it instantly, and his eyes suddenly flushed red, biting towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen swept out with a spear in hand, the monster beasts that rushed forward were swept out, and Xiao Chen was also shaken back several steps.

"A very strong body, I am afraid that the body alone can also top the sixth-grade fairy armor."

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, but before he could think about it, the remaining monster beasts had already rushed out again!

Xiao Chen's spear opened and closed. With the blessing of the God of War suit, his strength became stronger and stronger, and more and more monsters were smashed out.

After a little more than a child, a group of fifty monster beasts were all beheaded by Xiao Chen!

These monsters, based on the killing point, are probably the strongest one is the 9th Heavenly Immortal, but the defense of these monsters is very abnormal. If Xiao Chen had not possessed the body of the monster, any golden fairy might have become the belly of these monsters. Food in China, no wonder the most dangerous thing in the realm battlefield is the dark night.

Xiao Chen panted heavily, and then began to absorb the monster crystals, and Xiao Chen's body of the monster **** became stronger and stronger.

An hour later, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a flow of air flowing in his body, like an immortal force.

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes. Could this be the demon power in the demon cultivator. Tian Xinger briefly introduced that demon power and immortal power are the same level of power, but the main fighting method of the demon cultivator is the flesh, a pair of flesh fists, Blast everything, the demon cultivator and immortal cultivator of the same level meet, as long as they are close, the cultivator will die.

However, it is difficult for a demon cultivator to cultivate demon power. If the demon power is cultivated, and the cultivation method of the immortal cultivator is coordinated, then the combat power will double.

Xiao Chen was absorbing the demon crystal while sensing the situation inside his body. Gradually, he discovered that a small cyclone appeared above the mysterious dantian. With the continuous influx of demon power, the cyclone became larger and larger, and what was stored inside was demon power.

Xiao Chen was overjoyed and continued to refine the demon crystal.

All night, three waves of monsters appeared, with a maximum of less than fifty, all beheaded by Xiao Chen.

After dawn, Xiao Chen took everyone away and transformed into a fairy body.

"The cyclone is still there, but when it looks like a celestial body, the cyclone is very quiet!" After checking his physical condition, Xiao Chen glanced at the map in his mind and moved on.


Whoosh whoosh!

"Chang Qin, you can't run, hand over the fruit of the great road. For your beauty, I allow you to be my woman!"

In mid-air, a figure flew quickly, and the person came was a woman, the girl's twenty-eight Fanghua, her appearance was very beautiful, not worse than Lan Qing, but now the woman's face was scarcely panicked.

Behind her, there was a group of people, led by a gloomy young man, and several young people behind her, staring at Chang Qin with ugly smiles.

"Chang Qin, choose to surrender obediently. If you make us rough, you will be more than me."

The young man shouted loudly, and the young people around him laughed loudly.

Although Chang Qin had a panic on his face, he clenched his teeth. He knew the identities of the people behind him. If he stopped, she might end up miserably.

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