Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1215: Common sense on the battlefield of the realm!

"Xiao Chen, um, um, I remember you, can you be my friend?" Lan Yue'er nodded vigorously, then said with expectation on her face.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, looked at the expectation on the girl's face, and then nodded, "Of course."

"Great, I finally have friends." Lan Yueer whispered very excitedly, as if afraid that others would hear it.

"Don't you have friends?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.


"Why?" Xiao Chen was taken aback.

"Because my sister said that other people are not qualified to be my friends." Lan Yue'er explained helplessly.

Hearing Lan Yue'er's explanation, Xiao Chen was also stunned. How arrogant this Lan family was, actually said that no one is worthy of being Lan Yue'er's friend.

Xiao Chen felt the colder and colder breath in the cabin, and Xiao Chen had a sneer in his heart. The woman was a strong golden immortal, and she had already sensed what was going on here. As Xiao Chen and Lan Yue'er talked, the woman's complexion also increased. The colder.

"Since your Lan family is so proud, then I want to be friends with Lan Yueer. I want to see what you can do."

Xiao Chen sneered in his heart, looked at Lan Yue'er, smiled and said, "From today, I will be your friend."

"Hmm!" Lan Yueer nodded excitedly.

"By the way, Yue'er, why do you call me stupid?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Don't you really know?"

"what do you know?"

"The most dangerous thing in the realm battlefield is the dark night. Even if the big Luo Jinxian is strong, the dark night will not come out." Lan Yueer said.

"Why?" Xiao Chen asked with some confusion.

"No, this is common sense in the realm battlefield. Everyone who enters the realm battlefield should know it. Why don't you know?" Lan Yue'er said strangely.

"I really don't know this." Xiao Chen's old face turned black, it turned out to be common sense, but no one had said it.

"Well, let me tell you!" Lan Yueer said, and then began to introduce.

As Lan Yue'er told her, Xiao Chen gradually understood.

It turns out that in the dark night in the realm battlefield, unlike outside the realm battlefield, in addition to the fairy qi in the heaven and earth aura, there is also a special energy. When the night comes, the originally strong fairy qi will be affected by this special energy. Suppressed, even the immortal is very difficult to operate the immortal power.

That is to say, in the dark night of the ancient battlefield, the combat power of all the immortals will be greatly reduced, but the fairy beasts in this ancient battlefield are different. They have adapted to the environment of the ancient battlefield, and they will change when the night is dark. Must be extraordinarily violent and powerful.

Under this circumstance, even if a strong Golden Fairy meets a group of fairy beasts, they may even hate them. In addition to the fairy beasts, the most terrifying in the ancient battlefield is the evil demons. They are the remnants of the strong dead before the ancient battlefield. Sickness, resentment, etc. are formed.

They were very violent and killed when they saw people. But because of the influence of evil spirits and this mysterious energy, their combat power doubled. The kind of bones that Xiang Xiao Chen met was the lowest-level evil demon.

And even more powerful evil demon even condensed a physical body, even if the strong Da Luo Jinxian met, there was only one escape.

It is precisely because of this that, in order to resist the fairy beasts and evil demons in the dark night, many powerful people gathered together to build a city,

And they went to the city controlled by the Lan family, Blue Stone City!

"There is such a thing, but the **** barrenness has never been mentioned." Xiao Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

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