Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1212: Luck is against the sky!

Xiao Chen looked at it, Nether Fire appeared in his hand, and went directly to the two white bones. Soon, the two groups of red fire were absorbed by Nether Fire.

Xiao Chen collected the fruits of the Dao, and then collected all the storage rings, and checked the harvest. Except for the fruits of the five Dao, the fairy crystal has a total of 500,000, plus other resources such as pill. It's not a small gain.

When Xiao Chen was about to leave, a voice suddenly rang in the cave.

"Are you sure you didn't deceive us?" a gloomy male voice rang.

"Brother, how could I deceive you? What I said is true. I accidentally fell into this cave. If it weren't for the existence of the evil demon, I would have taken away the fruit of the great road."

Another male voice sounded, and the words were full of helplessness.

"If what you said is true, then your luck is really good. When you were chased and killed in a hole, you could encounter a treasure like the fruit of the road. This luck is also against the sky." Then a female voice said.

Soon a group of people appeared in front of Xiao Chen, one man and two women, who were about twenty years old.

One of the shorter youths said helplessly: "Sister, I don't want the fruit of the great path anymore. I only need Xianjing."

"Don't worry, as long as there are real fruits of the great avenue, Xianjing can't do without you!" the woman said coldly.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" said the short youth, but when he looked up, he saw a young man not far away, looking at them with a wry smile.

Xiao Chen looked at the three with a wry smile. He didn't expect that such a hidden cave could really be found by anyone, and although the cave was empty, there was no place to hide, so the three of them saw Xiao Chen at a glance.

"Someone?" the young man frowned.

"Heaven?" The woman frowned.

"The fruit of the great road is gone!" The short youth exclaimed.

"What!" The other two people's expressions changed drastically, and then they found that the tree of the avenue was slowly returning between the heaven and the earth, and the fruit of the avenue on it was gone.

The next moment, the eyes of the three suddenly fell on Xiao Chen.

"You took the fruit of the Great Dao?" The woman said coldly, and at the same time she had some doubts in her heart. The short youth had said that there were evil spirits, why a **** could stay here safely.

Xiao Chen looked at the three of them. Among the three, only the girl was Jinxian Qizhong, the other two youths were Jinxian five, and the short youth was Jinxian Sanzhong.

Hearing the woman's question at this time, Xiao Chen nodded lightly and said, "Well, I took it!"

"What, you really took it? Boy, hand over the fruit of the Dao Dao, this kind of thing is not something you a little fairy can have!" The young man shouted coldly, his face was cold, his eyes were murderous.

"The fruit of the great avenue is what you, a little golden immortal, can have?" Xiao Chen jokingly laughed.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" the young man shouted coldly.

"Why do you say so much, kill him, and if the fruit of the great road is on him, you will naturally know at that time." The woman said coldly, and then a long sword appeared in her hand, slashing directly at Xiao Chen.

"It's really cruel and merciless!" Although Xiao Chen knew that killing was commonplace on the battlefield in the realm, he didn't expect that the other party would just do it.

Xiao Chen's expression was cold, since the other party was ruthless, don't blame him for being merciless.

"A sword surpasses the sky!" Looking at the sword cut by the woman, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate to use the sword aura, and slashed towards the woman at a faster speed.

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