Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1195: The power of a sword!

"You killed our son?" The couple behind Jin Chen looked at Xiao Jingjing with bitterness and killing intent.

"He wanted to treat me wrong and was killed by me." Xiao Jingjing said lightly.

"Bitch, it's an honor for you to be my son's woman. You dare to kill him. I want to take you back and be my little son's slave and torture you forever."

The couple roared bitterly.

"Apologize to my sister, otherwise you don't go back today!" When Xiao Chen heard the other person taking a bite of a bitch, a cold color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes and said coldly when he looked at the other party.

"A god? A little god, how can you interrupt here!"

Jin Xuan's father said coldly, and then with a big wave of his hand, a huge palm print was shot at Xiao Chen and the others, which contained the aura of great power, which was terrifying.

Seeing Jin Xuan's father make a move, a sneer appeared in the eyes of the strong Xiao family in the distance.

The Desolate Landlord glanced at it, equally indifferent.

Only in the next moment, their sneers stiffened on their faces, and Xiao Jingjing flicked the long sword in his hand, and the huge palm print was cut to pieces, and the entire square instantly became quiet.

The Desolate Realm Master, Jin Chen and others all looked at Xiao Jingjing with a little suspicion. They didn't feel any breath just now, but the palm of the powerful Luo Jinxian was so easily broken, which made them feel a little weird. .

"What's going on?" Xiao Mie's face was dignified. He is the First Heavy of Da Luo Jinxian, and he can naturally feel the power of that palm. Even if he can't guarantee that he can follow, it is such a powerful palm. It was broken by Xiao Jingjing's sword, how could this be?

"Jin Xuan is guilty of death. If you are entangled, don't blame me for being polite!" Xiao Jingjing looked at the strong Jin family and said lightly.

"You bastard, how dare you fight back?" Jin Xuan's father roared in irritation, his own grandiose Luo Jinxian made a shot, not only did not take the opponent down, but was threatened by the other party, which is simply to him. It's a shame.

"Quietly, some people are unreasonable for reasoning. Only if he is scared or killed will he be taught." Xiao Chen glanced at Jin Xuan's father and said lightly.

"I understand!" Xiao Jingjing nodded faintly, and slashed away at the Jin Family Immortal Ship. A huge ice sword shadow appeared on the Immortal Ship.

Before everyone had time to react, they saw that the immortal ship was divided into two, and an ice mark appeared in the middle of Jin Xuan's father's body, and the Dao Jinpan that had just appeared behind him was also frozen.

The entire square was silent, Xiao Mie, the Desolate Realm Master, and the mother of Jin Chen and Jin Xuan who stood by, all looked at Xiao Jingjing with shock.

"The breath of the Great Dao, you turned out to be a strong Jinxian Daluo!" Jin Chen looked at Xiao Jingjing and lost his voice. That sword was filled with the strong breath of the Great Dao, even if he was not as good.

As soon as these words came out, the entire martial arts field was shocked. Whether it was the Jin family, the Xiao family, or the Tianhuang Palace, they were completely dumbfounded?

Wasn't Xiao Jingjing still a strong golden fairy some time ago? When did you become a big Luo Jinxian? Moreover, he also killed the Golden Immortal powerhouse of the Jin family with a single sword. Doesn't that mean that Xiao Jingjing's strength is no longer weaker than the Desolate Realm Master?

Xiao Mie looked at Xiao Jingjing in disbelief, "Daluo Jinxian, how is this possible? Isn't she a bloodline going backwards? Isn't she a Jinxian? How could she suddenly become a Daluo Jinxian?"

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