Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1141: Celestial Golden Corpse!

"Task description: The golden corpse possesses the wisdom and controls all the corpse soldiers."

"Task Reward: Every time you kill a golden corpse, you can get one hundred thousand pit margins and one hundred thousand celestial strength."

"What a joke, kill the golden corpses. These golden corpses are all powerful heavenly immortals. I'm afraid they will kill me with a slap." Xiao Chen almost yelled, but the system proved his perception. It is sane.

"So that's it." When Xiao Chen didn't know how to deal with the golden corpse, Tian Xing'er spoke.

"Xing'er, what did you see?" Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"The reason why these golden corpses have the sage is because of the remnants of the souls sealed in their bodies. Under the influence of these remnants, the golden corpses gave birth to new spiritual wisdom."

"Remnant soul?"

"Yes, if this sect is not mistaken, these remnants of souls were the result of the Heavenly Star Immortal Palace being destroyed by the Heavenly Star Immortal Palace powerhouse, who sealed their immortal souls in the body, hoping to break the seal and rebirth in the future." Tian Xing'er said solemnly.

"This kind of sealing method, this sect feels that he knows it, but I can't remember it, but what is certain is that this Heavenly Star Immortal Palace is related to the Heavenly Star Sect!"

At the end, Tian Xing'er's tone was inexplicably murderous.

Xiao Chen also sank, I am afraid that Tian Xing'er has a major connection with the Tian Xing Immortal Palace 100,000 years ago, or is an important person in it.

"Daddy Xiao Chen, what you have to do now is to break the golden corpse body, release the remnant soul in their body, and then be branded on the Heavenly Dao by the green scales, allowing them to be reborn in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

"But these golden corpses are strong heavenly immortals, how can they break their physical bodies?" Xiao Chen didn't mean it, let alone broken, I am afraid it would be difficult to get close.

"Find the other five monsters, enter the palace on the stone pillar, improve their strength, and break the golden corpse easily." Tian Xing'er said.

"By the way, this fat man by your side is also a monster." Tian Xing'er added.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen stared at Fengsihai in amazement, this guy is also a monster?

"Also, there is a special feeling between monsters, maybe he can help you find other monsters."

Xiao Chen was taken aback again.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Feng Sihai looked at Xiao Chen with a little shock.

"It's nothing, let's leave here. Although the corpse soldiers are afraid of corpse fire, it is impossible for me to maintain the corpse fire." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, let's go." Feng Sihai nodded.

"Where are we going?" Xiao Chen asked.

"You ask me?" The wind was stunned.

"Of course."

"How do I know where to go?"

"You choose any direction."

"Uh, all right."

Feng Sihai pointed in a direction at will, Xiao Chen couldn't control that much, grabbed him and rose in the air. These corpse soldiers were afraid of corpse fire, but obviously they didn't want Xiao Chen to escape.

A strange scene happened next, a group of green fire ran in front, followed by a black corpse soldier, which was extremely spectacular.


This run lasted two days, Xiao Chen and the others hadn't met any of them, there were corpse soldiers everywhere.

"Fatty, are those formations used to suppress corpse soldiers?"

"Are those fairy weapons used to suppress corpse soldiers?"

"In other words, we released the corpse soldiers." The two looked at each other.

"There are so many corpse soldiers in the fairy palace, and I don’t know if there are any survivors. Are the two of us going to spend a year like this?" On a high mountain, the wind and the sea said with a very ugly face, and there are corpses everywhere. There are hundreds of millions of soldiers.

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