Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1132: Wind everywhere!

When Xiao Chen was hanging out alone, a big fat man suddenly appeared in front of him.

When the fat man saw Xiao Chen, his face showed a sense of surprise, and he ran towards Xiao Chen, the ground shaking like a mountain.

Xiao Chen looked at the fat man, frowning slightly, the fat man in front of him was not from the Four Sects.

The fat man came to Xiao Chen with a joyful expression on his face, and said, "I finally saw a living person. In the Lower Sanshou Palace, the wind is everywhere, what do you call your brother?"

Feng Sihai's face is full of joy to see people.

Xiao Chen frowned. He hadn't heard of Wushou Palace, but soon he was relieved. There are countless sects in the Nanyue Mainland, and he doesn't know them all.

"I have seen Brother Feng at the hidden gate of Xiajian, Xiao Chen." Feng Sihai was so polite, Xiao Chen also said with his hands.

"Jian Yinmen? Oh, it turned out to be a third-rate force, Langya Sect." Feng Sihai was taken aback first, and then suddenly realized.

"Brother Xiao Chen, this Heavenly Star Immortal Palace is very large and dangerous. I haven't seen anyone for a long time. Why don't we go together?" Feng Sihai asked very enthusiastically.

Feng Sihai was very enthusiastic, but Xiao Chen was a little confused. He was clearly talking about Jianyinmen, when did it become Langya Sect, and there are third-rate forces, what the **** is it?

"Brother Feng, next is a disciple of Jianyinmen, not a disciple of Langya Sect." Xiao Chen said.

"Huh?" The wind all over the world was taken aback, then laughed and asked: "Brother Xiao Chen, what is your mainland name?"

"Nanyue Continent." Xiao Chen was taken aback, isn't the person in front of him from Nanyue Continent?

"Hahaha, that's the case, Brother Xiao Chen, you may not know that Langya Sect has four sects, namely Jian Yinmen, Overlord Sword Sect, Silver Spear Sect, Tiesuo Sect, and the four sects are collectively called Langya Sect."

"The Langya Sect is in charge of several. In the continent like your Nanyue continent, the four major sects are the strongest power in the continent. The four sects compete with each other to cultivate the strongest genius, and then they will go to the strongest continent in the barren realm, the barren continent. , To provide fresh blood for Langya Sect."

Feng Sihai explained with a smile.

Xiao Chen was a bit stunned. He didn't expect the four major sects to have such a relationship and that one sect could control several continents.

"Brother Feng, did you enter the fairy palace from the barren continent?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, Brother Xiao Chen, it seems that you don’t know about some situations. In fact, the size of the Celestial Immortal Palace is not less than a domain, and it will move. Many people on the continent can come in, and a year later, all People will be teleported back to their original places."

Feng Sihai introduced, and he was more enthusiastic than Xiao Chen thought, introducing the situation of the fairy palace, introducing the barren realm, and introducing various forces.

Xiao Chen and Feng Si Hai have been walking for nearly half a day. Feng Si Hai hasn't stopped talking at all. It talks about everything in the barren realm, big and small, from influence to Tianjiao, from Tianjiao to beauty.

It is hard for Xiao Chen to think, how could a fat man have so many words, Xiao Chen can be considered as completely convinced.

But it is also a blessing that drags the wind around the world, and he has a comprehensive understanding of the barren realm.

When the wind was chattering, Xiao Chen suddenly heard a scream in front of him, and Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then ran forward regardless of the wind.

A huge valley appeared in front of him. There were a group of people in the valley. Xiao Chen could see that these people were not the four disciples.

"Is this a formation?"

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