Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1126: Four Heavenly Pride Gathering!

Jian Yin's relentless mockery also caused Tyrant Dao's eyes to shoot sharp cold light: "Jian Yin, who wouldn't speak big words, now we have a game to see who will die."

"Fight as long as you hit, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The sword vaguely did not give way, the breath between the two began to collide, and the blade touched the blade, ready to start a war at any time.

"Wow, Jianyin and Badao are going to work, they are so handsome, I like both of you, or if you two win, the slave will marry whomever."

Suddenly, a feminine voice sounded, and everyone felt like they had goose bumps.

Jian Yin and Ba Dao frowned at the same time, and then disgust and jealousy flashed in their eyes. When they looked at them, they saw more than a dozen figures flickering. Most of them were wearing simple armor and showing a muscle. The most obvious It's that they are wrapped with iron ropes all over their bodies.

Standing at the forefront, it seemed to be a very feminine young man, behind him stood a gloomy old man, and a few muscular thick men.

The delicate appearance of the young man was in sharp contrast with the big man behind him. When he saw this scene, Xiao Chen suddenly wanted to bend.

However, he also recognized the identity of the visitor, who was the Tie Suozong, one of the four sects.

"Tie Suo, as a man, speaking so softly is really disgusting." Tyrant said with disgust.

"Don't you like the Nujia like this? The Nujia likes the masculinity in you."

The iron cable pinched Lanhua's fingers and said with a weird voice.

Seeing Tie Suo's appearance, everyone shuddered at the same time, and Tyrant Sword was even more terrible. Even though he was murderous, he subconsciously took a step back.

"It's disgusting, how could there be such a disgusting person in the world." Looking at Tie Suo's appearance, Lin Shuangshuang and Lin Huahua said almost at the same time, their faces were full of disgust, even Jiang Yuqing did.

Although the voices of the two were not high, they were enough for everyone to hear them. Suddenly, they looked at them with all their eyes. They said this because they had the strength and confidence.

However, why are they, so after hearing the words of the two, Tie Suo's face instantly appeared cold: "You two shameless and mean women, what did you just say?"

"Iceline, are you itchy? Isn't you born of a woman? Or do you look down on women?" At this moment, a rough voice sounded, and then more than a dozen figures stepped forward.

At the forefront was a nice-looking, big-eyed, petite and cute girl with a silver spear in her hand, two heads taller than her, behind her there was also an old woman, and a dozen disciples holding silver guns.

"Iron Cable, let me hear you scolding a woman, believe it or not, I will wear a few holes in you." The girl stared at the cableway, her rough voice, but it didn't match her appearance at all.

"Su Xiaoyue, you are a bitch, stinky, shameless woman, the slave is just cursing, what can you do?" Iron Cable cursed, quite like a **** cursing on the street and pinching orchid fingers, it is disgusting.

Su Xiaoyue's eyes were cold, and the spear in her hand shook, she seemed to be ready to do it directly, but as soon as she held the spear in her hand, she was stopped by the old woman behind her.

"Miss, don't do it, lest others take advantage of it."

The old woman whispered and glanced at the old man behind the invisibility of Tyrant Sword and Sword without leaving a trace.

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