Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1123: Shocked the outside door!

"Looking for death, a handyman disciple died in vain." Lin Guang sneered, the advanced cultivation base of the late Half Immortal broke out, and he caught Xiao Chen directly by the neck, wanting to kill him in one fell swoop.

"Looking for death!" Xiao Chen snorted coldly, his right hand turned golden, and he also grabbed Lin Guang.

"I don't know what I can do, I dared to head-to-head with me." Lin Guang sneered. He was in the semi-immortal mid-term, and a human emperor dared to head-to-head with him, really lighting the toilet and looking for death.

Most arrogant people didn't end well. Lin Guang didn't pay attention to Xiao Chen at all. Even if he shot a few disciples flying, he still thought Xiao Chen was the emperor, which was doomed to his tragedy.

When the two scratches collided, a sound of broken bones sounded, and then a miserable sound sounded. Many of the outer disciples were stunned. The scene before them was completely different from what they thought. Xiao Chen has nothing to do. , Instead, Lin Guang screamed sternly with his arms in his arms.

Baili Wuxin was also very shocked. After the shock, he was furious. It was a shame that his disciple was injured under his nose.

"Boy, you **** it!" Baili unscrupulously roared, leaped up, and slapped Xiao Chen's head. The human spirit exploded, letting many outside disciples know how strong his anger was. .

Lin Huahua stepped out and stood in front of Xiao Chen, slapped it with one palm, and slapped Baili Wuliang. The next moment, Baili Wuliang flew back at a faster speed.

The outer disciples who were onlookers were already shocked and speechless. They endured the pain, and were dumbfounded at Lin Guang, who was preparing to watch Baili's unscrupulous show of power.

After Baili's unscrupulous body stopped, he couldn't help but squirted out a mouthful of blood, and his entire arm fell in front of him, apparently broken. After seeing Baili's unscrupulous situation, many disciples took a breath.

"Let's go." After speaking, the four of them walked to the entrance of the mountain, and the outer disciples one after another gave way, and no one dared to stop them.


The Barren Spirit Mountain Range is just behind Jianyinmen. The Barren Spirit Mountain Range is also not simple. In the barren realm, anything linked to barrenness and barrenness represents the word danger.

In Jianyinmen, Huangling Mountain is also the place where most inner disciples, core disciples, and even true disciples practice and do tasks.

Few outer disciples appeared in the Wild Spirit Mountain Range, and the outer disciples here are also very dangerous.

After Xiao Chen and the four left the outer gate, many disciples began to spread the letter. At the periphery of the Wild Spirit Mountain Range, watching the four walk in, several disciples gathered together.

They are several disciples of Tian Dachang, headed by their senior brothers.

"Big brother, what do we do now, if there is only that kid, it's okay to say, but one of the three women is more difficult than the other."

A true disciple said that they were all on the scene at the beginning, whether it was Lin Shuangshuang summoning all kinds of beasts, or Lin Huahua was flying to the ground and Dachang, or Jiang Yuqing, none of them could deal with it.

"We followed them, waiting for opportunities."

Senior brother said, his face was also full of dignity, and then several people hurriedly followed.


In the Wild Spirit Mountain Range, Xiao Chen finally saw what a monster is?

First of all, Xiao Chen's Xiankui was almost eaten by Lin Huahua.

Next, every time Lin Shuangshuang met a fairy beast, the fairy beast would donate his blood, which was then swallowed by Lin Shuangshuang.

In the end, even Jiang Yuqing, after seeing the genius treasure, as long as he could refine medicine, he was eaten by him.

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