Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1118: Beasts out!

"Lin Sheng?"

"Who is your grandson?" Suddenly a young man called out loudly. He was the Lin Sheng that Volley said before.

"I'm looking for my grandson, not you." Lin Shuangshuang said.

"I don't care who you are looking for, that kid killed my son, and I will kill him. If you stop me, don't blame me for killing you together!" Tian Dachang said coldly, his voice fell, his line The strong, took a step one after another, staring at the three people coldly.

"Auntie, this grandson is so loud that he wants to kill us, what should I do?" Lin Huahua said.

"Grandson, why are you so capable, even if Lin Sheng is not as capable as you." Lin Shuangshuang was also unceremonious.

Tian Dachang's face was pale, as were the others.

"Looking for death!" Tian Dachang roared and went straight to Lin Huahua. Others also rushed up, among them there were several strong earth immortals.

"When frost passes, no grass will grow."

"All the beasts come out, the beasts roar!"

"The group of beasts listen to my order and kill!"

Lin Shuangshuang suddenly said solemnly, and as her voice fell, there were roars between heaven and earth, shaking the sky and the earth.

"This is the roar of the fairy beast."

At the same time, all the fairy beasts in the Beast Peak were rioting, and the beast control master couldn't suppress it at all.



With a scream, a bird landed at Lin Shuangshuang's feet. Although this bird was not tall, it looked very much like a pheasant, but when he saw this pheasant, the face of Beast Peak Peak Master changed drastically.


"Ape at the pinnacle of the earth fairy!"

"It wasn't that it stayed at the Beast Peak after being suppressed by the master, hasn't it been dispatched, why did it appear here?"

"No, look!"

I saw fairy beasts constantly appearing, and the entire Danfeng was occupied by various fairy beasts. The people of Beast Peak were completely dumbfounded because these fairy beasts were all from Beast Peak. Why did they appear here?

Suddenly, Qing Niu's Deputy Sect Master's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "The disciple sent a message, the beasts of the Wild Spirit Mountain Range are in turmoil, and many fairy beasts are coming to the sword hidden gate."

"What, what is going on?" The elders didn't understand what was going on.

"My natal fairy beast Chiyun beast doesn't listen to my orders anymore." Peak Master Beast Peak said with an ugly face. Looking at the fairy beasts around the three, Peak Master Beast Peak no longer knew what mood he was using. Described.

Tian Dachang's expression also changed. Although the Beast Master at Beast Peak was not strong, these fairy beasts were extremely difficult to deal with, and even he couldn't take advantage of it at all.

"Grandchildren, help me find Lin Sheng, otherwise I will let the sons and men slam down the hidden sword!"

Lin Shuangshuang said loudly.

"What about the Deputy Sect Master? Now that these fairy beasts have all rebelled, should we get rid of them all."

Peak Master Jianfeng looked at Qingniu.

"No, there is news from the disciples of the Wild Spirit Mountain Range that there are a large number of immortal beasts galloping in. If there is a war, our sword hidden gate must suffer a heavy loss." Qing Niu said heavily.

"Now we can only ask the ancestors to leave the customs. Once the gods are born, no matter how many strong earth gods there are, it will have no effect."

Qing Niu said: "You go to the ancestors, let's hold them first."

"Okay." Jian Fengfeng's main voice fell and left directly.

"I don't know what the two Lin Sheng look like? We can help to find it." Qing Niu said to Lin Shuangshuang, Tian Dachang also stopped, looking at more and more fairy beasts, his face became more and more ugly.

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