Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1116: Xiao Chen suddenly appeared!

"What do you want to do, you must not be impulsive, the difference between the immortal and the earth immortal is not a little bit, so you simply cannot be the opponent of the Tian family."

When Volley heard the conversation between the two, he was almost shocked and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Auntie, look, that should be Xiao Chen." Suddenly Lin Huahua pointed to a figure not far away.

"It's really big brother, he should be fine with his appearance, but what is he doing?" Lin Shuangshuang also breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked not far away, one was approaching Tian Dafu.

And that figure was Xiao Chen, his expression was cold, he slowly moved a distance, looked at Tian Dafu not far away, and let out a cold cry in his heart.


In the next moment, Tian Dafu, who was swearing resentfully, disappeared from the hands of the two disciples and appeared in the hands of Xiao Chen. Ling Tian placed it on Tian Dafu's neck in the form of a dagger.

The two disciples were stunned, and the others were also stunned.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Suddenly Tian Dafu's voice rang not far away, and everyone looked at it later, only to find that Tian Dafu was kidnapped by a young man at some point.

Jiang Yuqing's heart was getting colder and colder, but she was taken aback. After seeing the young man, she lost her voice: "Xiao Chen!"

A strong human emperor, who was slapped by an earth immortal, was still alive, and now he hijacked the earth immortal.

"Who are you, let go of my son!" Tian Dafu said angrily, and the others stared at Xiao Chen full of killing intent.

"Who am I?" Xiao Chen sneered: "You may not know who I am, then I will introduce myself first."

"My name is Xiao Chen, and I am an ordinary handyman disciple, um, the handyman disciple who was just killed by this kid."

When Xiao Chen's words fell, everyone was taken aback, Tian Dafu's expression changed even more, and he shouted: "Impossible, you are a trash disciple, how can you still be alive after being hit by me?"

He was an immortal, and he was a sneak attack. A handyman disciple not only didn't die, but also hijacked himself. How could it feel like a dream.

"I don't care who you are, let go of my son, otherwise no one can save you." Tian Dachang said angrily.

"What you just said, I didn't hear clearly." The dagger in his hand left a blood mark on Tian Dafu's neck, Xiao Chen said coldly, Tian Dafu almost killed him, and the killing intent in his heart was beyond control.

"I'm so brave, is this threatening the Deputy Sect Master?" Everyone was shocked, with various expressions on their faces.

"Stop it, what do you want to do?" Tian Dachang suppressed the anger in his heart and tried to calm his voice.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want you to know a truth. Whether it's a handyman disciple, an inner disciple, or a true disciple, as long as it is a living thing, life is equal."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm and cold at the same time.

"Leave my son, I can spare your life." Tian Dafu said coldly, sneer in his heart at Xiao Chen's words.

The same is true for other strong people. Life is equal. What a ridiculous remark. In this world where the weak eats by the strong, only the strong can make sense.

"It seems that you didn't understand what I said, life is equal, which means that you can kill the handyman disciple wantonly, and the handyman disciple can also kill you."

Xiao Chen's voice fell, the dagger in his hand swiped, and a head flew directly, blood swaying wanton in everyone's dumbfounded eyes.

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