Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1114: Deputy Sovereign!

"Old Chen, what's the situation now?" The Formation Peak Master stepped forward and asked.

"Tian Dafu's **** angered Yuqing for some reason, and we must now arrange the Xuanyuan Formation to control Yuqing, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Danfeng Peak Master Chen Guoping said hurriedly.

Everyone's expressions sank. If Jiang Yuqing didn't calm down, then Danfeng would be destroyed, and if Tian Dafu was killed, the consequences would be even more serious.

The five peak masters were no longer hesitating, and acted hurriedly, forming a five-pointed star to surround Jiang Yuqing, pinching the Yin Jue in their hands, and a five-pointed star shrouded Jiang Yuqing, making her immobile.

"Yuqing, wake up soon." Chen Guoping shouted, his voice reverberating in the light.

After Jiang Yuqing heard the sound, her eyes moved slightly, and her body stopped abruptly. The thunder and lightning in the entire dark cloud seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Tian Dafu, not far from the mask, was relieved when he saw that there was no lightning, but his body was scorched and his whole body was paralyzed. This paralysis was not caused by lightning, but a toxin, even his fairy. The soul is also poisoned.

When he breathed a sigh of relief, Tian Dafu's heart rose with anger, and he cursed at Jiang Yuqing: "You stinky woman, I usually treat you so well, you actually want to kill me because of a trash entourage. Are you and That trash has one leg, you shameless woman."

Tian Dafu cursed with a stern face, his words were full of viciousness, his voice fell, and the five peak masters all changed their colors and said angrily: "Shut up!"


Jiang Yuqing in the light punched the mask, and the entire mask was trembling, and the black energy on Jiang Yuqing's head gradually condensed into a head, which was a beast head.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Five Great Peak Masters became even more ugly, and the dark clouds trembled again, but this time it was not a simple lightning, but black heads appeared, exactly the same as the fierce beast on Jiang Yuqing's head.

At this moment, many strong people came from a distance, some of them fell directly beside Tian Dafu, others came to the side of several peak masters, and there were many disciples behind them, among them they appeared in the selection at the beginning. Lu Liang in the square is among them.

"Deputy Sect Master Tian, ​​Deputy Sect Master Qing, Master Jianfeng."

Looking at the three in front, several peak masters hurriedly saluted. The middle-aged man who resembled Tian Dafu was Tian Dafu’s father, Tian Dachang, who was also one of the two deputy masters of Jianyinmen, Dixian. Nine repair base.

Another slightly older person is the other deputy suzerain, Qingniu, and the same as the nine cents. The last one is carrying a huge sword, with extraordinary bearing and a strong sword intent on his body. He is the peak of the strongest sword peak. Lord, the cultivation base of the immortal peak.

"What's the matter with Chen Guoping, what does that girl want to do, do you want to turn the sky? Do you want to ruin Danfeng?" Tian Dachang shouted gloomily.

Hearing Tian Dachang's words, Chen Guoping was full of anger: "You can ask what your **** son did. If it weren't for him, Yuqing could have such an atmosphere?"

"Hmph, look what happened to my son? I said that this girl was a scourge, so I shouldn't bring her back. After this incident, I will drive this girl out of Jian Yinmen." Tian Dachang said coldly.

"You have something to try!" Chen Guoping said angrily, not giving Tian Dachang any face. Although his cultivation is not as good as Tian Dachang, he is an immortal pharmacist. As long as he wants to, he can find multiple strong earth immortals to besiege Tian Dachang. ll.

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