Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1112: Sudden killer!

"What did you just say?" Suddenly a cold voice sounded. Xiao Chen was taken aback. It was not Jiang Yuqing who was speaking. He turned to look, but not far away, a young man in white clothes was staring at him, showing intent to kill. .

Xiao Chen glanced at the young man, did not pay much attention, turned to look at Jiang Yuqing and said: "Senior Sister, let me hold your hand."

Jiang Yuqing raised her head and looked at Xiao Chen strangely, but the face of the white-clothed youth not far away was full of gloom. A little bit below her feet, she had come to Xiao Chen and hit Xiao Chen with a sharp palm.

Xiao Chen looked terrified, he didn't know why this person attacked him, and hurriedly mobilized his whole body defenses, condensing all the defenses of the demon god's body to his chest.


The white-clothed youth blasted Xiao Chen's chest with a palm, and Xiao Chen's entire body flew out uncontrollably, slamming heavily on a sword stone, and the entire sword stone was shaking.

Xiao Chen's figure was embedded in the sword stone, his whole body was cracked, his internal organs were all displaced, and the blood in his mouth was mixed with broken bones. This was the worst injury Xiao Chen had ever suffered.

"Ding, it is found that the host's body damage has reached 98%, and the system spends all the marginal value to repair the body damage."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for triggering the task: if you have grudges, don't avenge the non-gentleman, the host is attacked for no reason, please behead the young man in white to exalt his prestige, and you will get rewards after completion.

pain! Nowhere was painless, but the sound of the system fell, and a warm current flowed throughout his body, alleviating the pain in his body.

Xiao Chen was beaten and flew too abruptly. After Jiang Yuqing reacted, she stared at the white-clothed youth, her face was extremely angry: "Tian Dafu, what are you doing!"

It was not easy to meet a person with a special physique who could test the medicine at will. Now that he was killed, Jiang Yuqing was already on the verge of running away.

The movement here also attracted the attention of many people, and after seeing Tian Dafu, they showed a look of worship.

"Junior Sister Yuqing, the kid said something frivolous than you, I'm just teaching him for you."

Tian Dafu said with a smile.

"So you killed him?" Jiang Yuqing suppressed his anger.

"It's just a disciple. I'm looking for a few for the junior sister. Why should I be so angry?" Tian Dafu said with a smile, only a disciple, even if the inner disciple dared to speak to his woman, he could still kill it.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yuqing said coldly, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed, not because she cared, but Xiao Chen was dead, the pill she refined will no longer be able to test the medicine, and others simply Can't hold the effect of medicine.

Jiang Yuqing's voice was very cold, and a very cold breath came from her body. At the same time, thunder sounds suddenly sounded on Danfeng, and black clouds gathered together, and the whole Danfeng felt like a dark cloud pressure.

Countless strong people in Jianyinmen felt this vision, and looked at the thicker and thicker dark clouds. In the dark clouds, there were continuous dark currents flashing.

"Sister Yuqing, what's the matter with you?" Tian Dafu found that Jiang Yuqing was not right in front of her, her breath was too cold, and black arcs were constantly flashing on her.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jiang Yuqing raised her head, her face was full of black lines, and her eyes were full of weird black light.

"What! Senior Sister Jiang wants to kill Senior Brother Tian, ​​why is this?"

"Who knows why, hurry up to inform the peak owner, the big thing is not good."

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