Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1101: Who is more domineering!


Zhu Hong murmured with solemn eyes in the distance.

Ling Kong is the most proud son of Ling Xuan, the lord of the Tianshi Empire. He is already a strong man in the late semi-immortal Dzogchen at the age of less than twenty. He also possesses the power of two attribute rules, directly becoming the outer door of the sword hidden gate. The disciple was even accepted as a disciple by the Outer Sect elder.

And the reason why Volley appeared in this remote town was because Jianyinmen's Outer Sect Disciple Selection Conference was about to begin, and these outer disciples would go to the dozens of empires in charge of Jianyinmen to select disciples.

It is said that the founder of Jianyinmen once walked out of a small town, and later established the Hehe Jianyinmen. It is also because of this. Every time Jianyinmen recruits outer disciples, three people will be recommended by each town to go to Jian Yinmen participates in the selection, hoping to come out of more powerhouses.

Originally, Volley was planning to leave with the recommended three people, but suddenly heard the news that there were three-headed spirit pythons and ice fire fruit, so he rushed over immediately.

"Give it to me, go away!"

Volley looked at Lin Huahua with an arrogant face and directly ordered.

Lin Huahua's face was expressionless, but at some point, Lin Shuangshuang also came to the other python's head, looked at the sky and said lightly, "Do you want grandma's mistress?"

"Presumptuous, where is the little girl who is so arrogant!"

Listening to Daolin Shuangshuang's words, Ling Kong immediately became angry.

The people around him were even more dumbfounded. The exit was grandma, who was this little girl.

"Plap, you dare to call grandma as a little girl, if you don't clap yourself today, don't leave."

Lin Huahua's expression was cold, and her words were even more domineering.

"Huahua, don't always put on a face, and you will frighten this grandson by saying this!"

Lin Shuangshuang said.

"It's grandma, I know it was wrong." Lin Huahua said respectfully.

Lin Shuangshuang nodded, then looked at Lingkong and said, "Grandson, apologize to grandma, you can go."

Xiao Chen, who was in the distance, looked at this scene and almost laughed. He didn't know if these two girls really didn't understand or deliberately, but they would be angry if they listened to their conversation.

Not to mention the volley that always felt that he was superior. After listening to the words of the two, his faces became extremely gloomy, and the expressions of other people in the distance changed greatly.

"No matter who the two of you are, the person who insults my Jian Yinmen, you will not escape death!" Volley stared at the two, and said gloomily.

At this moment, Lin Shuangshuang suddenly looked at Xiao Chen who was hiding in the distance and said: "Big Brother, this grandson not only wants to grab the second child, but also doesn't apologize, what shall we do."

When Lin Shuangshuang's voice fell, Lin Huahua stretched out her hand and directly caught Xiao Chen in front of her.

Xiao Chen looked at the two silently, and stirred him in again. This young man looked extraordinary at first sight. This did not push him to the forefront.

Volley stared directly at Xiao Chen, "She is your sister, hand over this three-headed python. The three of you kneel down and apologize to me. I can spare your life!"

"I knelt on your face, you count as something, and you deserve to make me kneel. If you want to kneel, your grandson is kneeling!" A voice rang.

Xiao Chen was taken aback. It was not him who was speaking, but the avatar of Blaze. After speaking, he disappeared directly, but the avatar of Blaze said it while standing behind him, and it was exactly the same as his voice.

"Am I being pitted by a clone?"

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