Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1098: Kill Li Chengtian!

The moment the voice sounded behind him, Xiao Chen's expression changed drastically. Looking at Li Chengtian beside him, he patronized the power of rules, but he didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment.

"Senior, give you this ice and fire fruit, will you really let me go?" Xiao Chen took out the ice and fire fruit, held it in his hand, and said cautiously.

"Boy don't play tricks on me, you have a few ice and fire fruits on you, I know exactly." Li Chengtian said in a low voice: "Follow me, otherwise I will kill you immediately!"

After speaking, Li Chengtian took Xiao Chen and walked in other directions.

Soon, Xiao Chen was taken to a sparsely populated place by Li Chengtian.

"Boy, in the outskirts of the great barren mountain, I saw you put away the ice and fire fruit with my own eyes. Did you take the initiative to hand it over or kill you? I will take it myself!"

Li Chengtian looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"So you didn't leave at the beginning!" Xiao Chen said suddenly.

"Of course, if I leave, how can I see that little girl can subdue the three-headed spirit python, and how can those ice and fire fruits make you cheaper!"

Li Chengtian smiled, but a gleam of shock flashed in his eyes. If the three-headed spirit python can break through three heads, it can break through the human immortal. The human immortal is a real powerhouse and can travel at will.

"Then what just happened, you planned it alone?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Of course, Wang Long, that idiot, I just used some fairy crystals as bait, and he went to find trouble, but what I didn't expect is that you are also an idiot, and you took out the ice and fire fruit!"

In the end, Li Chengtian was full of fierceness.

"Binghuoguo really so valuable?"

"What do you know about rubbish, Binghuo Guo is a treasure to all semi-immortal powerhouses!"

Li Chengtian shouted angrily. He originally wanted to steal Xiao Chen away when Wang Long was fighting with the three-headed spirit python. In that case, no one would know the news about the ice fire fruit, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen to take it directly. Came out.

"So, it seems that Binghuo Guo is indeed a good bait." Xiao Chen grinned suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Li Chengtian was taken aback.

"You said that I used ice and fire fruit as bait to attract the strong to besiege, and then I killed them all, how about this deal?" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.


Li Chengtian was taken aback, and a human emperor wanted to trap and kill Half Immortal? This is the best joke he has ever heard.

"Well, let's start with you!" Xiao Chen grinned.

"You want to kill me?" Li Chengtian's eyes widened. The emperor didn't have any fear when facing him, but he wanted to kill himself. Could it be that he heard him wrong?

"Yeah, don't you feel that you want to sleep?" Xiao Chen asked with a smile. Since he was detained by Li Chengtian, he has quietly converted into the Eucharist of Ten Thousand Poisons, and Qian Meng Poison slowly radiated out.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Li Chengtian was suddenly startled, then his body trembled suddenly, and the fairy soul fainted for a moment.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xiao Chen escaped Li Chengtian's withholding, stood opposite him, and looked at him lightly.

"You dare to poison you, I'm going to kill you!" Li Chengtian's eyes showed a trace of anger into anger. Just after he made a move, a fiery red shadow had appeared, and an unmatched force directly cut through his body.

And as soon as his fairy soul appeared, it was frightened by Xiao Chen's palm!

Xiao Chen absorbed the power of Li Chengtian's body and hid in the distance. First, he found Lin Shuangshuang. She was in a restaurant, eating and drinking while watching the battle in the distance.

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