Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1095: Touch porcelain!

Later, Lin Shuangshuang named Xiao Snake a name.

In the distance, Li Chengtian looked at everything in shock, but in the end, he looked at Xiao Chen who had put the remaining Ice Fire Fruit in his arms, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

After half a day, Xiao Chen and the three of them finally walked out of the barren mountain and came to a small town.

And Xiao Chen also completed the task, obtaining 2000 cents of power and pit margin value.

Said to be a small town, in fact, the small town is not smaller than a lower bound continent. The forces in the town are complicated and there are many strong people.

Lin Shuangshuang is like a child, curious about everything.

Xiao Chen reluctantly followed behind the two, walking around.


Inside a certain restaurant.

"Li Chengtian, what you said is true? Does that woman really have fairy crystals on her body?"

A big man with a beard on his face looked at Li Chengtian coldly, and at the same time glanced at the three Xiao Chen not far away, there was a suspicious look in his eyes. At this moment, the three Xiao Chen were wandering in the street.

There were five people standing behind the big man, and the breath in each of them was not weak.

"Brother Wang, how dare you lie to you? If it wasn't for that woman's higher cultivation level, I would have done it a long time ago. If Brother Wang doesn't believe it, you can take it down first. If there is no fairy crystal, the younger brother will leave it to Brother Wang!"

Li Chengtian said, his tone was very firm.

"Hmph, forgive you for not lie to me, otherwise, even if you belong to the Fenglin Gang, I will kill you!" Wang Long sneered, then stood up and said, "If what you said is true, then I will It will divide you 10%!"

After speaking, Wang Long walked down the restaurant with five people.

Li Chengtian sneered in his heart, "Idiot, what a fairy, Binghuo Guo is the real baby."


Xiao Chen and the three were standing in front of a vendor. Lin Shuangshuang curiously looked at the things on the vendor. At this moment, Lin Huahua felt a chill rise behind her, and she subconsciously hid, but the other party seemed to touch her on purpose. Same, leaned over again.

Lin Huahua's brows cold, and Lin Shuangshuang is behind her. If she is hiding, the other party will definitely touch Lin Shuangshuang, so she is not hiding. Instead, she moves forward and hits the other's shoulders. Then the figure is directly Flew out.

The figure fell on the ground. It was a young man. The young man was not injured. He climbed up from the ground neatly and looked at Lin Huahua and shouted: "You dare to steal my fairy crystal and take it out, otherwise You don’t want to leave here today!"

Xiao Chen frowned and looked at the man. This would not have touched porcelain.

When he saw this man, the stall owner and many people around him had a look of disgust, and then glanced at Lin Huahua, a hint of pity flashed in his eyes.

"What happened!" At this moment, Wang Long walked in with four people.

"Brother, this lady steals my fairy crystal!" The man pointed to Lin Shuangshuang and said angrily.

"Little girl, I was born so beautiful, so I have to learn to steal. I think so, you take out the fairy crystal you stole from this little brother. I'll be a peacemaker. That's it. Take it."

Wang Long looked at the two and said with a smile.

"Hmph, for the sake of eldest brother, I won't care about you and take out the fairy crystal, otherwise I will sell you to the brothel."

The man snorted coldly.

"It's too unprofessional to touch porcelain, it's no different from Mingqiu." Seeing these two people sing one by one, Xiao Chen secretly scolded them for lack of professionalism.

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